Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cocoa Beach High Band Boosters Fundraiser May 10

Good Day Everyone!
We have another opportunity to raise funds for both the instrumental part of the band, i.e., marching band, wind ensemble, concert, etc.. and the Winter Guard.

This fund raiser also doesn’t cost any monetary means up front! All we need is you and some of your time. I hate to say the obvious, the more people we have, the less time on those who volunteer.

Here is what we have:
When: Saturday, May 10, 2008
Time: 7:15 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m. (volunteers welcomed to have lunch at the pavilion afterwards). Dependent on number of volunteers, will depend on length of shift.

What do we do? Well we sell chances for the golf players to win a sleeve of golf balls (3 golf balls to a sleeve). It’s called “Hit the Green” contest. The golf players, play in teams of 4 people. As they approach our designated holes, they have an opportunity for $3.00 to play the contest. They give the $3.00 to our people working at the tee of the hole. They hit their golf ball. If their first hit lands in the “green” near the hole, they will be given a sleeve of golf balls by the person working near the hole. I hope this describes the contest. By the way, the sleeves of golf balls are provided by the Elks Club and we as an organization receive 100% of what we take in. What an easy fund raiser and as I said, it only cost us a little bit of our time. This is the “just of it” I’ll get with everyone how we work the logistics of it at the golf course.

Volunteer requirement:
We need at least 3 people per hole per shift. We have 2 holes. Ideally, 2 students work at the tee while 1 adult works at the hole. So we need a total of 6 people (since we have 2 holes) to work per shift. Also, if we have more adults, they can also work at the tee, as far as who volunteers, it is very flexible, we welcome anyone to help out the band.

I would like to first ask for volunteers, have a list by this Tuesday, May 6, 2008 of volunteers and then assigned shifts. I need to know first how many volunteers first so we can cover the entire period. If you want to bring your lawn chairs, lawn chairs with umbrellas that is fine also. We will make this a fun event.

Please e-mail me or call me (preferably e-mail me; but I’ll take calls too) about volunteering or any questions!
My e-mail address is:
and my phone number is: 321-431-8843.

It is critical I have the list of names completed by this Tuesday, May 6, 2008.

I’ll also forward a student sign up list to Mr. Brooker, so please see him to sign up. However, parents and students, it is optimum to e-mail me your names. If possible, since it is a relative short period of time, please be flexible on your times that day. If you are able to do the entire time, please indicate so.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Let’s have a great turnout.
Dale Vicos
Vice President of Band Boosters Board of Directors

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