Monday, February 25, 2008

Band Student Practice Logs and Procedures

Hello Parents,
Just a reminder that each student has a practice requirement of 3 hrs each week. That is a half hour each day or any combination thereof. These hours should be logged into .

Here is the link to directions for access charms for those that have misplaced then follow on to the find out more words next to the blue Charms logo

Thanks for helping the students remember that they are graded on their practice time. Helpful practice tips are below.

Practice: Why do we practice?
- To be responsible to the music.
- To be responsible to your classmates because the ensemble is only as strong as its weakest members. Musicians who do not come to rehearsal prepared and knowing their music lower the level of the whole group.
- To increase your technical playing ability; the speed and accuracy with which you play pitches and rhythms.
- To solve playing problems presented by the music.
- To improve your concentration, focus, stamina and endurance.
- To learn something new and for the sheer enjoyment of exploration.
- Practicing your instrument is like making a bank investment, the smarter and the more you invest, the greater the guaranteed return.

When do we practice?
- It is better to practice more often and for shorter periods of time - just as it is not effective to cram for an exam. Irregular practice does not usually lead to any significant progress.
- Preferably at the same time every day to maintain consistency and be sure to develop a consistent routine.
Where do we practice?
- A quiet room free of noise and distractions. Do not play with the television or radio on because you need to be able to concentrate and listen closely to your sound.
- Try not to practice with other people in the room because there might be a tendency to want to "perform" for that person thus inhibiting any real practice and progress.
- Ideally, you'll want to be able to practice in a room that you have setup specifically for practicing with access to a piano. What do we need in order to practice?
- A good, firm chair.
- Sufficient lighting.
- A piano, if possible, to check notes.
- A metronome, to check our sense of rhythm and time.
- A tuner, to check our pitch.
- A music stand.
- A pencil.
- Your instrument.
- Your music.
- Perseverance and dedication.
- A positive attitude.
How do we practice? -
If you are sitting, make sure you are sitting "tall", and sitting on the front half of the chair with the small of your back away from the back of the chair. Make sure that your back is straight and that shoulders and arms are relaxed. Imagine that a string is attached to the top of your head and that it is continually making sure that your spine is straight.
- Setup specific goals to be accomplished for the practice session and remember to pace yourself. - Have a set warm-up routine to begin your session. Balance your warm-up routine by covering breath support exercises, scales and arpeggios [for everyone], long tones and lip slurs [for wind instrumentalists], mouthpiece buzzing [for brass players], and vocalizing [for singers]. - Following your warm-up, isolate the difficult music first. Remember to check your key and time signatures, tempo and markings. Read through the music or passage on a "dry run". - Practice everything slowly at first. This will give your brain the opportunity to get acquainted with the physical actions required to produce the sounds the music requires. Gradually increase the metronome pulse as you become familiar with the music.
- Use a pencil [NEVER PEN!] to lightly write in fingerings, articulations, breath marks, rhythms, and accidentals that you think may be troublesome.
- Drill on counting where it might be troublesome by:
• Writing out the counting.•
Counting out loud.
• Counting and clapping the rhythm.
• Playing on a single pitch.
• Playing as written.
- If a particular passage gets frustrating after repeated attempts, don't worry about it! Move on to something else, and try to tackle it again at a later time.
- If you feel tense, begin by taking long, deep breaths and stretch and limber your muscles.
- Use your tuner to develop a centered sense of pitch.
- Use your metronome to develop a centered sense of time at all tempi.
- At the end of your session, feel free to work ahead, or to play anything you like! Try to spend some time composing your own tune or playing a tune that you've heard 'by ear'.
- One last thing, remember that practice does not make perfect, but perfect practice does! Practice Time
- How much? 45 minutes per day of uninterrupted time. 5 days a week.
- Where? Room with the door shut, no interruptions, no radio on, chair, music stand , metronome.
- What? Music from class, music from technique book, music and scales assigned by Director, own music for fun.
- Why? Learning an instrument is a complex skill with many tasks taking place simultaneously There will be many time that frustration will set in. This is where you as a parent can help a great deal. Encouragement and praise when praise is due are crucial for your child to feel successful.
Private Lessons
A. Why? Again we are dealing with a complex skill.
B. When? As soon as you are financially able to support them.
C. How much? Aprox Fifteen – twenty dollars per 30 minutes.
D. With whom do you study ?
See Director for reccomendations
A word or two about attitude: The key to successful progress is a positive attitude towards what you are attempting to accomplish. There is no substitute for perseverance and self-discipline. There is no "magic formula" for success. Real performance ability on a musical instrument is about 90% hard work and 10% talent, with a large dash of interest thrown in.

In the words of famous NFL coach Vince Lombardi: "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

Chuck BrookerDirector of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Middle School Concert Band Rehearsals

Dear Teachers,

Students in the Middle School Concert Band have two upcoming very important mandatory rehearsals after school in order to prepare for our district required, Music Performance Assessments. As you can imagine have a rehearsal to fix and adjust balance, rhythms, notes, etc. with students missing from that ensemble would be a nightmare. We plan two after school rehearsals during this time of year each year to help meet the district assessment needs.

The students were given information on these rehearsals as well several weeks back. I know that some of them may not come see you directly so I thought I would send this courtesy email as many of these students are in the extra curricular and enhancement programs after school, track, swimming, OM, etc that practice after school during the week. I know that your practices and rehearsals and meetings are important and that is exactly why I am sending you this email in advance to allow for better planning.

Please allow these students to be present at these required rehearsals without penalty.

The rehearsals are:

February 27 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5pm @ CBHS-AUD w/ special clinician

March 4 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5:30pm @ CBHSAUD w/special clinician

Thank you for your help. If you have any questions please see me. These students in the class are listed below:











































There actual Music Performance Assessment is on March 25 or the 26 here at Cocoa Beach. We will not know the exact time or date until a week before hand , but we will be asking for the 26th evening. I will keep you posted.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,


Chuck Brooker

Director of Instrumental Music

National Board Certified Teacher

Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School

Florida Band Masters Solo and Ensemble Competition Results

This past weekend band students participated in the Florida Band Masters Solo and Ensemble Competition. Cocoa Beach was represented very well. 86 students received Superior ratings – First Place. (That is the highest rating possible) 33 students received an Excellent rating – Second Place. This is an outstanding accomplishment for these young students. This event included Cocoa Beach band students in the 6th -12 grades performing solos, duets, trios, quartets, and even a clarinet choir’s for high school and Junior high and the color guard. 26 students have qualified for the State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Congratulations to all of these students!

In addition, the Cocoa Beach Winter Guard team received Superior Ratings for the first time in 5 years! Congratulations Winter Guard and Coach Mrs. Lindsey.

Thank you to everyone for your support of the band and these students

I passed out the comment sheets in class. Ask your student how they did!

Chuck Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pizza and Music

Cocoa Beach Bands and Beginning Orchestrateams up with Joe Corbi’s Fund Raising

Our fund-raiser begins today. Our goal is to have as many participants as possible sell at least 11 items. Joe Corbi’s products will make excellent gifts for your friends and co-workers.

Proceeds from this fund-raiser go to fund Mr. Brooker’s music programs and materials that will enhance the educational experience at Cocoa Beach. Your help is greatly appreciated on this event.
1. The Sale begins today and ends February 22. Students are asked to simply take orders from family, friends, and neighbors. Please do not sell to strangers. Many parents help by taking a brochure to work and taking orders from co-workers. Please collect money when taking orders. Make checks payable to: Cocoa Beach Jr. Sr. High
2. Please turn in your money in the collection envelope by February 22.
3. Delivery will be the first week in March.
1. Sell 11 Items or more: Simply fill out the FREE TICKET in your brochure and turn in the ticket with your collection envelope and you will receive: 1-FREE Grandma Corbi’s Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough
2. For every 11 items sold, (sell 22 items, get 2 chances to win) your name will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a Family Vacation to either Disney Resort Magic, Sanibel Island, Florida or a Disney Cruise!! Simply read the instructions and fill out the Rewards Program Entry Form in your brochure and turn the form in with your collection envelope.(all trips include round trip airfare, hotel and taxes and more!!)

If you have any questions feel free to email Mr. Brooker @ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Second ANNUAL PLAYATHON - Success!

We had nice musical evening in our new Audiorium and on the school campus.

See details of event below.

Second ANNUAL PLAYATHONWhen: Friday, February 8 from 3:30 PM until 10pm

NOTE: Parents may, at their option, pick up students at anytime. What: This event has several purposes.1. It is a fundraiser. Students will collect pledges on the attached form. Donors may make a pledge based on the number of hours the student participates or they may pledge a flat rate. All monies are applied to student personal account for trip/balance.2. It is an opportunity for students to rehearse and perform their Solo Ensemble music as well as having section rehearsals for each instrument.3. The younger students will receive coaching on their instruments from the experienced older students, Mr. Brooker and Professional Instrument Coaches.4. FUN!!! There will be different areas set up for games and other activities. The Particulars:Food: Students should bring $5. We will be ordering pizza for dinner on Friday, and will provide drinks. We will also have some snacks and any and all snack donations will be gladly accepted.Performances: At, or about 8:30pm we will have various ensembles perform their prepared pieces for each other. CHAPERONES: Please contact Mr. Brooker or Yvonne Campbell or Mrs. Davis if you are able to

Friday, February 1, 2008

Solo & Ensembles Feb 15-16 @ Satellite HS

Mr. Chuck Brooker, Director
1500 Minutemen Causeway, Cocoa Beach Fl 32931
Phone 783-1776 _______________________________________________________________

It is that time of year again for instrumental solo and ensembles!! All Students in the Cocoa Beach Band program will participate in the solo and ensemble festival and will receive a grade for their participation. Middle school students will play an assigned solo with provided piano/computer accompaniment. High school students may play either a solo with piano or an ensemble such as a duet, trio, quartet, etc. depending on their grade level. They can also choose to participate in an ensemble or small group. They are limited to 3 events to participate in. Each student will perform their solo and ensembles on February 15-16, 2008 at Satellite High School. I and other volunteers will work with them on their music before then. This event is another way to excel individually and master new areas of music and their instrument.In order for each of our students to participate CBHS Band must pay an assessment fee for each student. Our assessment amount this year will be $6.50 per entry. That is for each event you participate in. CBHS Band pays this fee for you. If you do not participate for any reason you must repay this fee back to the Band. Solo and Ensemble Festival is at Satellite High School on February 15 & 16, 2008. Your performance will be on one of the two dates assigned by the district. Please set aside Friday, 15 and Saturday the 16th of February for this event. You child will be assigned a time slot one week in advance and I will share that with your student then.

General Information:
1. Arrive early to warm-up (about 45 minutes) and find your room based on your judge (look for maps at Satellite High).
2. Make certain measures are numbered the same for you and the judge.
3. If you are using the school accompanist, don't be concerned if you can't find them. They will find you and they do have a schedule!
4. Check your schedule carefully.
5. Make certain that all ensemble members get together on equipment and transportation Arrangements. Choir members: Bring a folding music stand please!
6. Photocopy your music for you to play. The judge gets the original. Number allmeasures on both.
7. Dress appropriately. Girls: Nice Dress or Blouse with dress slacks. Boys: Dress shirt, tie, dress pants. A jacket or suit would be nice but is optional.
8. Your performance is open for family, friends, and others. I encourage all of you to listen to as many events as possible.
9. Success is not measured by your rating. Performing for the judge and receiving comments will help you become a BETTER musician. THAT'S WHAT FESTIVAL IS ALL ABOUT!!

Each student will introduce themselves or their group in the following manner. Please memorize if possible.

Hello, My name is________________________________, I am a student at Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School. I/we am in the __________________________grade(s). Today I am going to perform the _______________________________(insert the name of the piece of music). Thank you in advance for your comments.
Always be polite. You are representing Cocoa Beach

Band Practice Needed

Students should be applying outside the classroom practice time on their instrument. Right now we are focused heavily on Solo and Ensemble music. Students should be practicing 30 minutes a day up to 3 hours a week. More is better!

Please ask your student about their practice time. Please help them find the time to do their band homework. Grades are given for practice.

Practice logs are kept on the band Charms

Chuck Brooker
Band Director

Serv Safe Class Feb 28 & 29

ServSafe will be offered on February 28 and 29 at ESF. If you are not ServSafe Certified, please contact Food and Nutrition Services at 690. This is soon to be a job requirement and is in your best interest to have this certification. Space is available on a first come first served basis. Books for the class will be sent out tomorrow for study prior to the classroom training. Certification is good for five years from examination date. If you were certified by Food and Nutrition Services at ESF, you are still good for at least a year.

Mary S. Lake
Field Operations Supervisor
Food and Nutrition Services
321 633-1000 ext. 634

Educational Services Facility
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940-6601

Sunshine Law and Public Records Caution:
Most E-mail communications made or received by Brevard Public Schools employees are considered public records that must be retained and, upon request, made available to the public and media.

Winter Guard Performances

Jan.19- Winter Springs High School (Premiers-orlando area)
Feb.9- Colonial High School (orlando)
Feb.15-17= FBA Solo and Ensemble
Mar.15- St. Augustine High School
April 4- Finals- Silver Springs Arena, KissimmeeTBA- Cocoa Beach Performing Arts Showcase

Wind Ensemble Calendar Feb - May 2008

February 8, 2007 Playathon 3:30-11pm @CBHS AUD * Optional

February 15-16 Solo and Ensemble Time TBA @ Satellite - Mandatory

February 27 Mandatory after School Practice 5pm-7:30pm @ CBHSPAC
With Special Clinician
March 3 Mandatory Prefestival Performance - Time TBA@ CBHSPAC
March 5 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5:30pm @CBHSPAC -With Special Clinician
March 13 Mandatory after School Rehearsal 3:30pm-5pm @CBHS PAC
March 15-16 Brevard County High School Music Performance Assessment
Mandatory – After School - Time TBA@ Satellite

May 20, 2008 High School Band Spring Concert 7pm
Mandatory – Students Arrive at 6:15pm for Warmups and Tuning

May 24, 2008 All Bands - Trip to Busch Gardens – Tentative - *optional

May 30, 2008 Graduation Performance – Upcoming 9th grade students perform with the HS Wind Ensemble – this is a Cocoa Beach Tradition

All events marked as mandatory events are grade events. Each student is need at the rehearsals as we are a team and fixing some parts while others are absent is useless. We need everyone at all events listed.
Please mark your calendar.

Chuck Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School