Monday, August 27, 2007

CBHS Band Parent News Aug. 27

Hello Band Families!

This blog post is about:

· Our First Football Event
· New Volunteer Hours Log
· Gold Seal Program
· Band Boosters Volunteer Website
· Volunteer Parent of the Month Program
· Volunteer Calendar

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped with our first Football game Friday! You are so appreciated. This email is for you plus we have just added a number of Middle School parents to our email distribution, welcome to Cocoa Beach Band Booster News!

Great News, we now have a “Volunteer Hours Log.” I will maintain a record of Band/Guard volunteer hours. I will refer to information from the Volunteer sign-up sheets that you sign, or emails sent to me with your hours. There will be a volunteer sheet in each Concession Stand and in the Band Room. Please sign in and out for any volunteer help that you do. If you do not sign a sheet, please email me your hours

If you did not give me the info you entered on the new Log, either I saw you working or heard about you by word of mouth! I began the Log with our first inside Concession event (girls volley ball) last Thursday.

Please look over this Log and let me know of ANY changes – Especially if you volunteered and your name is not on the log, or if there are not enough hours posted. Also, please check my math!

Not only will this Log help recognize all of you that work so hard, the hours will also be turned into the school district to help Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School earn another “Gold Seal” that CBHS has earned for 10 years now. Some of you also use Band volunteer credit for other programs outside of Band – that’s great too!

Starting with September totals, we will utilize “logged” hours to determine our “Volunteer Parent of the Month” winner, so get your volunteer hours logged!

To see the Log, and also our “Volunteer Calendar” with upcoming events, please visit our Band Booster website: and click on “Calendar.”

While you are there, check out our Band Blog, photos, videos and see the Band Board!
If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you,
Claudia Davis
960-2577 cell

Sunday, August 19, 2007

CBHS Marching Band Preview Show August 17

Cocoa Beach High School Marching Band finished it's 2 week Band Camp today. The Marching Band put on a impressive demonstration of one of it's half time show songs, "Shake Shake Shake" by KC and the Sunshine Band. This year's show theme is based in the 1970's. The songs selections are upbeat and fun.

Just like last year's fantastic Cuban themed show, our Marching Band will be providing us with a wonderful half-time show for our next football season!

Here is a film clip of the song played at the Preview:

CBHS Band Parent Meeting August 17th

Cocoa Beach High Color Guard and Marching Band Parents met with the Band Booster Board Friday August 17th. Following the meeting was a Marching Band Preview of one of their half -time songs. All enjoyed pizza afterward sponsored by the Band Boosters.

Friday August 17, 2007 6:00 pm
Parent Meeting

• Rick Hester, President
• Adrienne Roth, Vice President
• Dale Vicos, Vice President
• Brion Quandt, Secretary
• Claudia Davis, Treasurer
• Jacquie Scislaw – Alaire, Member
• Suzanne Estes, Member
• Mike Johnson, Member
• Dale Mosher, Member
• Joe Russell, Member

Band Needs – Claudia Davis
Fundraising – Rick Hester

Claudia Davis – Website , Band Blog, Email, Phone

Dale Vicos - Parent support, Chaperones, Fundraising, Concession

Rick Hester, Questions, Suggestions, etc.



Band Board Meetings:
First Tuesday of each month - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Sept. 4th Oct. 2nd Nov. 6th
Parent Meetings:
First Thursday of each month - 7:00pm - 8:00 pm
Sept. 6th Oct. 4th Nov. 8th

1. Band Booster Hand out – Definition, Volunteer Needs, Board Contact Info
2. Budget
3. Band Booster Volunteer Sign up form
4. School Volunteer Sign Up Application (Green form)

Please visit for Band News & Announcements,
Band Photos & Videos, Volunteer Information, Volunteer Calendar,
Board Meeting notes, Band Board Contact Information

Friday, August 17, 2007

Band Campers Cooled off by Cocoa Beach Fire Department

Last Thursday (August 16th) the Cocoa Beach Fire Department paid us a visit at Band Camp and doused us with very cool and refreshing water!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cocoa Beach High Band Camp 1 week

One week of Band Camp ended today!
Check out our Percussion Video below and visit our Band Boosters website for more videos and photos!

Claudia Davis, Band Booster

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Band Camp August 8, 2007

Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band Marching Camp is underway!

Claudia Davis, Band Booster parent

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High Band Notary Service

I will be offering complimentary Notary service for school required forms for our Band family.

I will have my stamp with me at the School Registration August 14 & 15, 2007.

Claudia Davis
Band Boosters Treasurer
Phone: (321) 783-5900
Mobile: (321) 960-2577
Fax: (321) 406-0200
CBHS Band Volunteer Info:

Friday, August 3, 2007

Special Band Camp Lunch Offer from a Band Mom

Dear Band Parents,

I have decided to help y'all out during band camp. I know how stressful it is to make sure your child gets a nutritious meal during a hot day of band camp. For a small price of $5 you can sleep peacefully at night without worrying about shopping and preparing a lunch for your child. Your child can have a choice of 2 different sandwiches, a drink, a bag of chips or a cookie, and a fruit.

If this sounds enticing to you, we will start serving meals on Tuesday August 7 at the 4:00 pm dinner break. Please have your child bring in $5 on Monday August 6th to place their order for the next day. All proceeds will go directly to the Band Boosters.
If you have any questions, you can contact me directly at

Suzanne Estes
(band mom to Austin, Bailey, and Landon)

CBHS Band Family Volunteers Needed

Wow!! What a year this is going to be. I was able to see some of the hard work all the marching band/color guard students did today at their first practice for the 2007-2008 school year.

Welllllll (heavy sigh), since our children are working is now for us to join in the efforts of making this a great band family, school year and most rewarding time.

First, we are asking for some help this weekend.This Saturday, Aug 4th @ 9:00 a.m., we need some help at the school (CBHS).As CBHS is preparing to receive this year's students and new building improvements being completed, we are getting ready to move back into CBHS Band Room. In this preparation we need to put up some shelves and uniform hanging rods in the uniform storage room located in the back of the band room.

Also, we need some "hands on" to handle the marching band carts. We will be removing the wheels, relocating the carts so that space can be utilized to the max. These carts are heavy and it is best to have at least 5 to 6 adults handling them, less strain on everyone.
So, with that said, if there is anyone who can and willing to give us a hand this Saturday, Aug 4th @ 9:00 a.m. for just a few hours, please contact myself via e-mail, or call me at: 431-8843. Also, please "cc" Rick Hester, President of the Boosters at: , just as a backup.

My understanding as of right now Dale Mosher, Jerry Walz and myself will be there. So, please, help!! As I said above, our children are working long hours in the hot sun with wild bugs putting together a dynamic show. Not only are we supporting our children; however, we are providing assistance to the CBHS Band Director, Mr. Brooker (who has worked all summer long preparing for marching band season, while most were on summer vacation from school). Let's get behind his efforts! We need volunteers in various areas.

Here are some more specific ways you can help (please respond letting me know where you want help):
1. During marching band camp, need adult chaperones/assistants.
2. I know we have the most talented families, please let me know if you are interested in building props, welders, painters, artists, engineer moving/mechanical props, etc...or just want to be a part of it and can lend a helping hand. We are trying to build a little data base of those who have expressed a desire to be involved with their children's band experience. We understand everyone has unique and busy schedules, if you are willing, we can most of the time work around those times. We just appreciate your involvement.Okay, I know this was lengthy; but, needed to get some of that info out.

Last reminder, this Saturday, Aug 4th @ 9:00 a.m. and band camp assistants.

Have a great weekend!
Dale Vicos
(Father of Will, Nick and Sophia -- all band members)!,

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

CBHS Band Treasurer Report

Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band Boosters Treasurer Report
Claudia Davis, Treasurer

August 1, 2007

Welcome back Band Family! We are gearing up for a wonderful Band Season kicked off by our excellent Marching Minutemen Band. For details about our Marching Band Show and Band Camp, click here: Marching Band Details (right click if the Link does not work).

Budget: The Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band (CBHS) has a Band Budget to fund this year in the amount of $45,400. This is the cost to run our Band program over and above that which is funded by the school system and fees collected.

Part of our budget covers professional specialized Instructors not paid by the school but most of the budget supports our Special Programs. Our Special Programs can be summarized by a quote from a student in her senior speech at our Band Banquet last May. "I transferred to CBHS from another school for my Senior year and I never had such a wonderful band experience as I had with the CBHS Band. My last Band Director never took us anywhere other than school required football games. He did not want to spend his personal time to participate in events or incur the cost. Since I have been at CBHS, Mr. Brooker has taken us to competitions and events that I would have never experienced if I had not joined the CBHS Band".

A Band Director may choose to offer only the required curriculum or the Band Director can offer a highly rewarding extracurricular band program. Luckily for CBHS, Chuck Brooker provides the latter. Events and other band program costs include entry fees, travel costs such as bus transportation, award costs, office support, scholarships, sheet music, benevolent fund, props, instruments, uniforms, etc.

How is this amount raised? Fundraisers and Donations from our band families. Lot's of hard volunteer work from our Band family members. The Food Concession is our largest fundraiser (net income $15,000 last year) --but this amount is only part of the what we need to generate this coming year. My next Treasurer Report will include more infomation about our Fundraisers.

What is Fair Share? You may hear this term frequently. If you divide the Budget by the amount of band students you can get a basic idea how much the Band program costs per student. We do not want to invoice our band students for this amount -- instead we ask that everyone participates with our fundraisers and volunteer needs such as working in the Concession. Please volunteer when asked. We need your help to cover our band program costs. By clicking here you can see a copy of our 07/08 Budget which spells our our anticipated band expenses and income. (right click if the Link does not work).

Please become familiar with our Fundraisers. We are relying on Fundraisers and Donations to fund our Budget.

Questions? Please contact Claudia Davis at or 960-2577.