Monday, May 19, 2008

Cocoa Beach High Band Concert information May 20 & 21

Hello Band Families!

Announcements below include information about:

Concert Details & Ticket Price

Concert Volunteers Needed

Marching Band Uniform Sale

Band Booster Board Election

Student Fire victims cards

Concert Details & Ticket Price
The High School - Wind Ensemble Concert and Special Soloists -
Tuesday evening May 20th at 7 pm in the CBHS Performing Arts Center.

The Middle School – Beginning Band, Concert Orchestra, Concert Band and Special Soloists - Wednesday evening May 21st at 7pm in the CBHS Performing Arts Center.

Band Students should arrive by 6 pm.

Ticket Price: $5.00 "per seat" with maximum $20.00 charge per family*

* Concert admission fee is our primary Spring Band Fundraiser! Please support our band, thank you!

Concert Volunteers Needed
Parent Volunteers needed for the following tasks:

-- Ticket sales at window & ticket collection inside
-- Minutemen "uniform sales" in lobby
-- Election Ballot helpers: Hand out & collect board election ballots (Ballot will be handed out with ticket purchase but some ballots may need to be distributed inside the auditorium). Ballots will be collected when parents exit auditorium after the show is over.
-- Concert Band parent helpers to assist with ties and Cummerbunds
-- Chaperones (to sit down in front with band students)

Please arrive by 6 pm - meet in front lobby of auditorium.

Let me know which task you choose and which evening(s) you can help, thank you.

Please contact Claudia Davis with any questions or to volunteer. 960-2577 (cell).

Marching Band Uniform Sale

(See photo above) We are selling our classic (used) Minutemen band uniforms that were replaced by a different style 3 seasons ago. They will be on display in the Auditorium lobby both Concert evenings (May 20 & May 21).
Jacket - $50.00

Hat - $20.00
First come first serve, bring your check books!

Band Booster Board Election
When you purchase your ticket you will be given a ballot to approve our new slate of Booster Board Officers for next year. Please complete the ballot and turn it in after the show is over.

Fire victims cards (Happy Hugs)
Will be collected at the ticket window.
Excerpt from email from Mr. Brooker:
"I would like to ask that you join me in this effort and ask your students to make a card with simple messages to offer hope and kindness to these students in need. Just so that they know that someone cares and is thinking about them. It would probably be best not to include pictures of fire, etc but more like the Happy green pictures of life, smiles and neighborhoods that they can remember".

Please contact 960-2577 (cell) if you have any questions about the above announcements.

Thank you,
Claudia Davis
Parent Volunteer

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