Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sound Waves

BPS-TV announces the premiere of “Sound Waves”, the new TV program that spotlights student musical performances taped earlier this year during the Music Performance Assessment concerts. There are twenty 60 minute episodes that begin airing on Thursday November 1st at 4:00 pm each weekday through the end of the month. Shows that air on Monday and Tuesday are repeated on the following Saturday starting at 6:00 pm and the shows from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will repeat on the following Sunday starting at 4:00 pm.

In December a similar schedule will be followed so there are several chances to see and record the show that includes your school. The 2007 season of Sound Waves will also be scheduled on BPS-TV during 2008, but on a less frequent basis.

Here are some web page links that give you additional information: For general information about the show: For a list of schools and which episode (show number) they appear in: Visit the above page first to find your show number then visit this page for a list of showtimes for both November and December: In addition, we will air a Sound Waves marathon over the Thanksgiving holiday. Shows 701 to 710 will air on Thursday November 22 and shows 711 to 720 will air on Friday November 23. The marathon begins at 11:00 am on both days. We will repeat the marathon on Christmas Eve and Christmas.

PLEASE NOTE: Show times are subject to change due to school board meetings or other emergency programming.

Two questions that you, your students or parents may have:

Q. Can I get a DVD of the show that my school appeared in?A. By the end of the year we plan to distribute three DVDs to school principals of each show that their school appeared in. Unfortunately we cannot make more DVD copies because of budget reasons and we also cannot sell DVDs because of copyright reasons. Please encourage your students, parents and staff to record the show off BPS-TV either at home or at school.

Q. Will the 2008 MPA’s be filmed?A. At this time we do not have funds to film the 2008 MPA’s.

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