Sunday, April 22, 2007

FSU Summer Music Camps

It is that time of year to start thinking about summer opportunities for your students. I want to ask you to encourage your students to consider attending the FSU Summer Music Camps for the following reasons.

1) We still have openings in all of our Summer Music Camps

2) We are offering scholarships to all students who participated in either the Florida All-State Ensembles or the FSU Tri-State Band Festival. These scholarships are for students wishing to attend either the Senior High or Middle School Band Camps. I will make every effort to not let price be a factor in preventing a student from attending Camp.

2) We have expanded our Marching Band Leadership Camp to include leaders (section leaders, officers, etc...) in addition to your drum majors.

4) We have Specialty Camps for Double Reeds, Tuba/Euphonium, and Jazz. These are for all students in both middle school & high school.

5) The FSU Summer Music Camps are for ALL students. Many students are among the finest in our region, but the Camp is also designed to help those students who need assistance/instruction and encouragement.

If you or your students need a Camp brochure please let me know and I will send you one immediately. If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact me.

Best wishes in the coming semester.


Steve Kelly, Director
Summer Music Camps
Florida State University

Chuck Brooker

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