Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Winter Concert – Cocoa Beach Wind Ensemble Dec. 9
Winter Concert by Cocoa Beach High School Wind Ensemble
December 9, 2008 7 pm
Community Event - Public is Invited
Performing Arts Center at Cocoa Beach High School.
Beautiful music, Holiday favorites including "A Christmas Festival" by Leroy Anderson, and even a few Carols and Sing-Alongs to enjoy the Spirit of the Holidays.
$ 5.00 per ticket sold at the door
Questions? Contact Chuck Brooker, Band Director at Brooker.Chuck@Brevardschools.org
or 321-783-1776 Ext 4002
Posted by
Claudia Davis
11:22 AM
Labels: cocoa beach high school band Community Concert Wind Ensemble
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Band Program Ad Sales
Dear Band Families,
The Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band has a wonderful opportunity to raise funds for the band program. During the next 2 weeks of November, we will be selling ads for our Winter Concert Band Program.
Great news, 70% of each sale will be applied to student’s accounts!
Programs will be distributed at no cost to attendees of our Band Winter Concert on December 9, 2008. During Concerts, our large new auditorium with over 600 seats is occupied by many parents, family and friends of the students, music lovers and leaders in the community. We encourage band families to support our sponsors and advertisers.
Parents, do you or anyone you know have a business card that you would like to include in our Band Concert program? How about a message from a business to our band? Would you like to write a message to your band student?
We also gratefully accept donations without messages or advertising. Donors will be listed as “Silver, Gold or Platinum” sponsors in the program. Prices start at $25.00. Please see the attached order form for details. Please send payment and business card or ad copy (which will be scanned) to Mr. Brooker using the attached order form.
For ad styles other than business cards: We request that in addition to sending a hard copy and check to Mr. Brooker, that you email your ad request directly to Claudia Davis, the volunteer that is designing the program at Claudia@ClaudiaDavis.net. Make sure to email advertiser contact information if there are questions. You may also call Claudia at 960-2577 if you have any questions.
Please write your student’s name and phone number on the attached order form and make enough copies to take to businesses, relatives, and friends that you are soliciting for ads. An order form MUST accompany each ad. This is the only way to insure the student will receive credit for the sale.
Please turn in Ad orders as soon as they are ready so we can track our progress and work on the layout. The final deadline for ads is Monday, December 1, 2008.
Here is the order form: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/programad/programadflyer.doc
Thank you,
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Posted by
Claudia Davis
8:49 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"Volunteer of the Year" Dale Vicos, Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School
Congratulations to Dale Vicos! He has been selected as the Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School AdultVolunteer of the Year!
Dale Vicos has volunteered countless hours for the school. He is the Band Parent Vice President and also works on concessions team. Mr. Vicos volunteers for all events within the band. He helps to load equipment, coordinates truck, and is an expert at driving the golf cart. He Coordinates and works with the Elks and the Kiwanis groups. Has also worked as a coach with Odyssey of the Mind students and the FPS students. He has had 3 students here at the school and has helped with almost all organizations in some way throughout the years. His volunteer hours are countless in all elements of band and others.
Congratulations Mr. Vicos, you represent the minutemen band and Cocoa Beach well!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:45 PM
2009 Middle School - All County Band Results - Congratulations!
Hundreds of students from around Brevard County had to prepare scales, play a prepared piece of music and complete sight-reading of music they have never seen before. They had to perform the audition in front of two judges to be selected. These students will rehearse and perform with other selected students from around the county with a national level clinician in January at the King Center.
Congratulations to these students, they will represent us well. Please pat them on the back for a job well done!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
3:52 PM
Labels: 2009 Middle School All Brevard County Band Results Cocoa Beach
2009 High School All County Band Results - Congratulations!
2009 High School All Brevard County Band Results - Congratulations to the Cocoa Beach High School Wind Ensemble students Holly Henderson Bb Clarinet, Andrew Huang on Bb Clarinet, Matthew Brooker on French Horn and Matt Henson on 1st Chair Baritone!
They have been selected for the 2009 Brevard County High School All County Band. Hundreds of students from around Brevard County had to prepare scales, play a prepared piece of music and complete sight-reading of music they have never seen before. They had to perform the audition in front of two judges to be selected. They will rehearse and perform with other selected students from around the county with a national level clinician in January at the King Center.
Congratulations to these students, they will represent us well. Please pat them on the back for a job well done!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
3:49 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Congratulations to the Cocoa Beach Band All State Musicians!
Congratulations to the Cocoa Beach Band All State Musicians! These students will travel to Tampa, January 7th-12th, 2009, and participate in the Florida Music Educators All State Clinic/Conference representing our school amongst thousands of directors and students from across the state. Beach Pride!
Holly Henderson - Bb Clarinet - 11th Grade - was selected to participate in the 2009 Small School Honor Band. She was the only clarinet selected from Brevard County for this ensemble.
Matthew Brooker - French Horn - 10th grade - was selected to participate in the 2009 Small School Honor Band. He was the only French Horn player selected from Brevard County for this ensemble.
Allison Chillingworth - French Horn - 8th grade - was selected to participate in the 2009 Middle School Honor Band. She was the only French Horn player selected from Brevard County for this ensemble.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
5:52 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cocoa Beach High Band Stool Drumming
Filmed at the Spring Concert 2008.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
3:55 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cocoa Beach High School Band drum section performs during halftime.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:07 AM
Labels: cocoa beach band
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Homework - Cocoa Beach JrSr HS Band
All Students in Mr. Brooker's classes have a ongoing homework practice assignment.
30 minutes nightly high school -or - total of 3 hours a week
20 minutes nightly middle school -5 days a week
What to practice? Class music for upcoming concerts, warmup sheets, scales 2 octaves, all county music, etc.
All practice time is to be logged into their charms account online. I have taken a lot of time in class showing everyone how to do this and even had them do it in class. Please email me if you are having difficulty with this.
Practice helps us become more proficient and enjoy the music more. Everyone should challenge themselves to be the best that they can be.
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:59 PM
Labels: cocoa beach band
Cheesecakes and Coffee! Cocoa Beach HS Band Fundraiser
Our Cheesecake and coffee fundraiser kicks off next Week on November 3rd. Orders will be taken through Thanksgiving Weekend. They will be delivered on December 15th for use during the winter holidays.
I need one parent that can help kick it off and take in payments and write receipts when it is complete. We will show you how to do it.
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Posted by
Claudia Davis
6:47 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Vote for Cocoa Beach HS Band! Battle of the Bands
Our own Cocoa Beach HS Marching Band is in the “Battle of the Bands” on WFTV. Cocoa Beach HS Band is competing with Eustis HS Band.
We need your vote! Follow the voting link below and please vote for the Cocoa Beach Band.
Vote here: http://www.wftv.com/surveyresults/17727571/index.html?taf=orlc
Watch bands perform here:
Cocoa Beach
At the end of the season, we'll have one more vote and the winner will receive an invitation to march in the nationally televised Citrus Parade!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:24 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Awaken the Dragon" CBHS Band half time show
The Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High band plays while a Chinese Dragon, composed of color guard members, dances on the field.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
5:10 PM
Labels: cocoa beach band show
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Cocoa Beach at Viera 9/19 Color Guard
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School Color Guard entertain the crowd during half-time of their game at Viera High on Friday.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
5:24 AM
Labels: cocaa beach band color guard
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Car wash raises money for Band Booster clubs
COCOA BEACH — School programs at Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High have a pair of fundraising friends in the Cocoa Beach Kiwanis Club and Elks Lodge.
Both organizations assist school groups by providing water, supplies and a location for benefit car washes. Most recently, the Cocoa Beach band washed cars to raise money on Saturday at the Armstrong Chiropractic Clinic parking lot on State Road A1A, directly across from Lori Wilson Park.
Members of the Marching Band, the Color Guard, the Wind Ensemble, and the Concert Band sprayed, rubbed and scrubbed cars for a suggested contribution of $5 per car. The car wash, which took place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. brought in more than $500.“More than 30 students and adults helped in the effort,” Dale Vicos, vice president of the band boosters said. “It was a very successful fundraiser. The students had fun, got really wet, and made money for their cause in the process.”
Chuck Brooker, the Band Director of Cocoa Beach, said the money raised at the car wash will be used to help pay for musical instruments, music and a few special treats.“This money will also enable us to bring in special guest conductors, coaches and music specialists to provide more specialization assistance to our students,” Brooker said.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:52 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thank You Band Room Parent Helpers
Special "Thank You's" go out to Mr. Cooney, Mr. McCracken, Mr. Caravella, Mr. Hester, Mr. Mosher, Mr. Vicos for their help this morning with assembling together and wall mounts for the band lockers in the band room.
Great work - and fast too! You are appreciated!!
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:43 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Cocoa Beach High School Band Camp
Well you know what time it is!! Band Camp! It is time to get ready for a new season of fun with marching band.
A lot of great things have been happening over the summer. The New Minutemen Band Room is completed and we are getting inspections as I write this email, and we should be in by the end of this week. Band camp home base will be in the band room this year not the auditorium. The band room looks so different and really great!
Please remember that band camp is focused on marching band and getting the show ready for the season. Everyone that is participating is an important contributor.We have new guard uniforms, a new dragon underway – music for camp. All of your student leaders have been taking a leadership training course over the summer to get ready to make your band the most fun and well respected group there is.
Here are a couple of reminders:
S - Spirit- Let’s remember the spirit of band in all that we do. Spirit is the animation and energy in our actions or expressions. Lets have fun, respect our leaders and show our Minutemen pride in all that we do.
U - Unity – We are one big band family here at the beach. Let’s always uplift others in our actions and our words. This is no place to be divided. Unity is the quality of being united into one. Remember Unity is a way to always bring the group together.
D - Discipline - is a system of rules of conduct or method of practice. We have a system here at the beach that we follow for everything including, behavior, leadership, and instrument practice. Let’s all pull our weight in all of these categories to make our band is great.
A - Attitude – is a mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways ("he had the attitude that work was fun") Being with our friends and making music is fun. Yes we work along the way, but let’s have fun doing that. Don’t find ways to bring your self down, find ways to lift yourself and others up. Always look for the sunny side of life!
Please see pdf file for camp daily schedule. All Band/Guard fees are ready to be paid through charms. You can begin making payments now to spread the payments out until camp starts. Final payments are due on the first day of camp. Login to charms using your CBHS student ID numberYes we are having a band parents and student covered dish dinner on the last day of band camp- we will have sign ups for dishes on the first day of camp.
Yes we are having and band camp campout on Friday night after dinner. We will have movies and games and students will sleep separated by gender and be picked up at 7:30am. More details to follow.
Band Camp reminders: Bring a water bottle for yourself. Bring sun screen. Bring bug spray. Wear appropriate clothes- no pants or jeans. You must wear shoes, no sandals. No exceptions.No Food or Drink in the band room. No gum in the band room. No open water containers in the band room---No Kidding! Bring a cloth for emptying your water from you instrument with you. No spit on the floor! Keep the cloth in your case.
We will need parent help on Friday morning for the fittings, covered dish dinner and for the overnight camp out. Please volunteer.If you have questions please email Mr. Brooker at brooker.chuck@brevardschools.org
Posted by
Claudia Davis
8:12 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach High School Wind Ensemble
District Festival March 2008 at Satellite High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
2:24 PM
Labels: cocoa beach band wind ensemble
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Goodbye Dave Guseman
Dear Band Family,
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that Kaitlin’s father, Mr. Dave Guseman has passed away. Mr. Guseman was a tremendous support of the Cocoa Beach band program. He was instrumental in the success and support of the winter guard and was a regular on the grills for the concessions on Friday nights in the fall. His contributions were many and his energy was great.
Mr. Guseman was a great man that was a committed member of our band family and he will be missed.
His daughter Kaitlin was a member of the Color guard and Winter guard and will continue as a member of the Wind Ensemble this year.
Please remember his wife Jerri, oldest daughter Ashley, and our Kaitlin in your prayers.
The family has provided an opportunity for a Celebration of his life.
In Florida -
Celebration of Life - Monday, July 7, 2008 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the large pavilion in Rotary Park at Suntree (Suntree Blvd and US 1 – North of the Pineda Causeway).
Dave enjoyed a casual lifestyle and this setting reflects some of the things he loved, the water and the outdoors. Please come dressed comfortably for the setting and feel free to come and go as you wish during this time period.
In St. Louis, Missouri –
These plans are not finalized.
Burial - Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery – Friday, July 18 Time: TBD
Memorial - Saturday, July 19 - John Ziegenhein & Son Funeral Home Time: TBD
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band
Posted by
Claudia Davis
7:01 PM
Summer Fund Raiser Volunteers needed
Good Day Everyone!
The below e-mail is for everyone, all band parents and students. We still need plenty of help this weekend and next weekend at the Cocoa Beach Parking Lot Fundraiser. As previously stated the more people we have (especially students) the better time everyone has.
I sent out e-mails early without much of a response, so I decided to e-mail closer to the weekend in hopes you will find time in your schedule.
Below are the dates and times with who I have scheduled so far (Thank you to those who have volunteered so far!).
Please respond to me by either e-mail: dale1stsgt@aol.com or phone: 321-431-8843.
Thank you very much and look forward seeing you there!
June 28, 2008, Saturday: 11:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Sarah & Col Henderson, Jones family of 4)
June 29, 2008, Sunday: 11:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Jones family of 4, Yvonne Campbell)
July 4, 2008, Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Jones family of 4)
July 5, 2008, Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
July 6, 2008, Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Matt Broker, 10-2)
July 12, 2008, Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Ladena & Patrick McCracken)
July 13, 2008, Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
As you all can see we have vacancies in all the times.
The shifts will be: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 (11:00 to 1:30) or 2:00 to 5:00 (1:30
to 4:00).
We will have a shade structure (canvas top, tent like) and chairs out there.
Please bring your water and water bottles for hydration. Also, I will have a
cooler out there with ice to keep your drinks cool.
The parking lot is located in Cocoa Beach. It is at the corner of 1st Street
and S. Orlando Ave. It's the second lot behind the Diamond Pawn Shop. Or
it can be said, diagonally acrossed from the Sunaco Gas Station. Only about a
block south of Minutemen Causeway.
If there are any questions, please feel free to call me.
Dale Vicos
Father of Will, Nick and Sophia Vicos
Vice President of CBHS Band Boosters Board of Directors
Phone: 431-8843
E-mail: dale1stsgt@aol.com
Posted by
Claudia Davis
6:56 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High Band Camp and Game dates
Dear Band Students and Parents,
Thank you for an outstanding 2007-2008 band year. Plans are already underway for a very successful new season. For the upcoming year, the marching band will perform a new and exciting halftime show. The field show is entitled: Awaken The Dragon !
We want to make sure that you have all of the information for the 2008 Marching Minutemen season. We need to ensure that you reserve all of the dates on the enclosed calendar so that you can plan your vacation and summer fun days to minimize conflicts. Marching band is a component of the 9-12 band programs and is another component of our Music Performance Assessment by the State of Florida. Please know that each student has been given a specific performance location in the new show. The drill for the season is written prior to camp and helps to make sure that the drill is ready for camp.
Enclosed in this packet you will also find the finalized August 2008 Band Camp Calendar. Please plan on attending all band camp rehearsals. Your attendance is needed and will ensure that we remain a successful marching band. You will also find a brief description of the entire season’s rehearsal and performance schedule. Please understand that all participants are important in all events.
Rehearsal Schedule
All Marching Band rehearsals will be after-school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Rehearsal times will be Tuesday’s 5:30-8:00pm and Thursday’s 3:40-6:00pm. There are only 2 rehearsals each week. It is understood that some students may choose to participate in extracurricular activities. When conflicts arise it is expected that students will communicate with the band director so he is aware of the conflicts in advance for proper planning.
The CBHS Marching Band performs at all Varsity Football games (Friday nights).Game time is 7:00pm with students reporting at 5:45pm for home games and 5pm for away games. Our marching band will also compete in a Florida Marching Band Competitions this season. This competition is on a Saturday. Please check this list before scheduling SAT or other tests.
Please see the list below for current performance dates.
CBHS Band Camp Rehearsal Schedule
August 11-14, 2008 – 1- 4 pm and 5-8 pm
Special Help Sessions will be held from 10am-12pm each day for individual assistance as needed.
Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals begin August 19 - First Game is on August 29.
Game Schedule 2008
8/29/08 Trinity Prep – Home – Kick Off Classic
9/04/08 MCC – Home
9/12/08 Eau Gallie - Home
9/19/08 @ Viera – Away - Viera
9/26/08 @ Gateway – Away - Kissimmee
9/27/08 Space Coast Island Classic – Merritt Island
10/03/08 Space Coast - Home
10/10/08 Holy Trinity – Home – Homecoming
10/17/08 Cocoa - Home
10/24/08 Open Week – No Game
10/25/08 FBA District 10 Marching MPA –All Day & Night Event
10/31/08 @ Astronaut – Away – Halloween Costumes
11/07/08 @ Satellite – Away
11/14/08 Doral Academy – Home - Senior Night
11/20/08 Bowl Game – Thursday – TBA – If needed
12/09/08 Parade Practice – after school
12/13/08 Cocoa Beach Christmas Parade - Tentative date
Please mark these dates on your calendar. Please avoid scheduling tests (SAT) or important events on these days. Please sign and return one copy of this form to Mr. Brooker. It’s an exciting time to be a part of our band program. We are excited to have you and your student as a member of our program. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Chuck Brooker
Director of Bands
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
8:30 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Grease Band wins Best Orchestra –PIT Band at the Cappies.
The Grease Band from the Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band production of "Grease" was chosen to be the best among all contenders on our first try out - best in the county -including schools like Vero Beach High as well.
These students worked hard and rocked hard. Please congratulate them when you see them.
Members of the band that won the award are:
Pit Conductor/Director Chuck Brooker
Special Assistant-Script Supervisor- Daniel Finklestein
Matthew Henson
Daniel Finklestein
Trevor Del Castillo
Yvonne Campbell
Antony Stabile
Matthew Szcszpanski
Joel Marquardt
Samantha Mosher
Holly Henderson
Brandon Kasper
Nick Barlow
Eric Grube
Kostas Galanoupolus
The entire performance of Grease- won Best Musical Overall as well.
What a great way to start off the new Performing Arts Center
ChuckM. Charles Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Florida Music Demonstration School -
Honorable Mention
1500 Minutemen Causeway
Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931
321.783.1776 ext. 4000www.cocoabeachband.com
Posted by
Claudia Davis
10:36 AM
School Owned Music Instruments Return
Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band School Owned Music Instruments
Check in and Return Form Below
The parents and students renting instruments from the school are solely responsible for all repairs and adjustments need for each instrument.
All instruments must be inspected by Charlie Clendinen @ Brass and Reed in Merritt Island and repaired and adjusted as necessary before returning to Mr. Brooker as outlined in the rental contract.
All charges if any are the responsibility of the parents and students to be paid at the time the instrument is inspected. Brass and Reed business hours are 10am-6pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-3pm on Saturday. Call ahead to make sure Charlie Clendinen is on site and able to check in your instrument. 23 S Tropical Trl , Merritt Island, FL 32952 (321) 453-2700
All school instruments must returned clean, polished, adjusted, and in good playing condition and repaired from improper use or abuse. A tune up for proper maintenance must be done before turning in the instrument per your rental agreement.
1. Take school owned instrument to Brass and Reed in Merritt Island.
2. Brass and Reed will inspect instrument and make an assessment as to the fee for proper adjustment, and or maintenance from use or abuse.
3. Parents and students will pay any charges due to Brass and Reed.
4. Brass and Reed will complete the bottom portion of this form and the student will return paper to Mr. Brooker.
5. Brass and Reed will then return the instrument to Cocoa Beach when proper adjustments and repairs have been made at their facility.
Instrument Description__________________________________
Items included:_________________________________________
Serial #:______________________
Directors Comments:______________________________________________________
Description of maintenance or damages to be repaired: ________________________________________________________________________Total
Charges assessed to student: __________________________
Has the parent and student paid the fee for repair to Brass and Reed? ________________
Signed by Brass and Reed – Technician
Date: Instruments can be turned in on May 31st or June 2nd.
All Papers to me by June 3rd - Must be completed before end of school year.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
10:10 AM
CBHS Band Graduation Performance on Friday May 30
Cocoa Beach High School Graduation Band Performance on Friday
All current and rising (8th Grade Concert Band, continuing) Wind Ensemble members will perform Friday at the CBHS Graduation.
Students need to get their instruments at 5:45pm from the Auditorium and then be in their seat in the commons by 6pm.
The actual graduation event starts at 6:30pm –after they open the doors it is impossible to get in and out of the commons area.
At the end of the event, at aprox. 8:30pm, students will return their instruments to the auditorium.
All students will wear their current uniform on this day. Rising Concert Band students wear their concert dress and Wind Ensemble wears their concert dress.
M. Charles Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Florida Music Demonstration School -
Honorable Mention
1500 Minutemen Causeway
Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931
321.783.1776 ext. 4000
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:34 AM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Brevard County Schools recognized for Music
Music education hits a high note. Brevard County School district recognized as leader
The jazz band, advanced orchestra and chorus are simultaneously at practice.
The sounds at this school, like many in Brevard County, are constant. When one bell rings signaling the end of a period, many students pack away their instruments, only to pull them out again in their next class.
Brevard was recognized last month for being one of the top 110 communities in the country for music education. The list of school districts, put together by the National Association of Music Merchants, includes just two other Florida districts: Polk and Hillsborough.
And despite facing a loss of $38.42 million next school year, Superintendent Richard DiPatri, who does not play any instruments and claims to be tone deaf, said music education will remain an important part of Brevard students' schooling.
"Music and the arts are integral components of a well-rounded curriculum," DiPatri said. "In Brevard, we would never arbitrarily reduce these important programs. Our district is clearly a state and national leader in music and the arts. Our students deserve the best we can give them -- these programs."
Brevard already allows students to take more than one music education class a day. For example, some students take an orchestra class and a chorus class. Others may take jazz band and performance band. Students are able to do this by taking their core academic classes and using the music courses as electives.
"We provide an array of opportunities," said DaLaine Chapman, music resource teacher for Brevard Public Schools. "World drumming classes, steel drum ensembles, guitar ensembles -- you name it, we have it. We're supported in so many ways, from the superintendent to the district offices to the community. It just comes from all around."
Last month, Johnson Middle performed at Walt Disney World. This month, it's time for Kennedy Middle in Rockledge to visit the mouse. Eau Gallie High's concert band is hoping to raise enough money to accept an invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall next year.
Almost every school in the district is either preparing for or has recently completed its spring concert. The list of accolades and invitations to perform are more than Chapman can track.
It's part of the reason why she said she was not surprised by the national recognition. The other reason: There are 31 schools in Florida that have passed a rigorous and lengthy application process to be deemed music demonstration schools. Of those 31 schools, 23 are in Brevard.
"It speaks to the quality of the program and certainly of those schools," said James Perry, executive director of Florida Music Educators Association. "Students exposed to high-quality music programs experience success in other areas."
Students say music programs teach them much more than how to sing or play the clarinet.
Some members of these ensembles say they did not know how to read music before taking the class. The chorus at Johnson Middle has learned to sing in at least seven languages.
"It's a great experience," said Sky Landry, an eighth-grader in chorus at Johnson Middle. "You get to learn about music, travel and meet new people."
Studies have shown students who take music classes have higher math, verbal and composite SAT scores than students who do not take music classes. According to a study from the National Education Longitudinal, music participants received more academic honors and awards than nonmusic students, and the percentage of music participants receiving A's, A/B's and B's was higher than the percentage of nonparticipants receiving those grades.
"The music education in Brevard County starts in elementary school and goes all the way up through high school," said Barry Pichard, principal of Sunrise Elementary in Palm Bay, which is waiting to hear if it has earned the music demonstration distinction.
"It's something that you have for a lifetime. You can't take that away. You may be a little rusty, but once you play a violin, if you pick it up again, you know how to do it."
Contact Spitzer at 242-3722 or mspitzer@floridatoday.com
Posted by
Claudia Davis
11:22 AM
Cocoa Beach High Band Concert information May 20 & 21
Hello Band Families!
Announcements below include information about:
Concert Details & Ticket Price
Concert Volunteers Needed
Marching Band Uniform Sale
Band Booster Board Election
Student Fire victims cards
Concert Details & Ticket Price
The High School - Wind Ensemble Concert and Special Soloists -
Tuesday evening May 20th at 7 pm in the CBHS Performing Arts Center.
The Middle School – Beginning Band, Concert Orchestra, Concert Band and Special Soloists - Wednesday evening May 21st at 7pm in the CBHS Performing Arts Center.
Band Students should arrive by 6 pm.
Ticket Price: $5.00 "per seat" with maximum $20.00 charge per family*
* Concert admission fee is our primary Spring Band Fundraiser! Please support our band, thank you!
Concert Volunteers Needed
Parent Volunteers needed for the following tasks:
-- Ticket sales at window & ticket collection inside
-- Minutemen "uniform sales" in lobby
-- Election Ballot helpers: Hand out & collect board election ballots (Ballot will be handed out with ticket purchase but some ballots may need to be distributed inside the auditorium). Ballots will be collected when parents exit auditorium after the show is over.
-- Concert Band parent helpers to assist with ties and Cummerbunds
-- Chaperones (to sit down in front with band students)
Please arrive by 6 pm - meet in front lobby of auditorium.
Let me know which task you choose and which evening(s) you can help, thank you.
Please contact Claudia Davis with any questions or to volunteer.
claudiacdavis@aol.com 960-2577 (cell).
Marching Band Uniform Sale
(See photo above) We are selling our classic (used) Minutemen band uniforms that were replaced by a different style 3 seasons ago. They will be on display in the Auditorium lobby both Concert evenings (May 20 & May 21).
Jacket - $50.00
Hat - $20.00
First come first serve, bring your check books!
Band Booster Board Election
When you purchase your ticket you will be given a ballot to approve our new slate of Booster Board Officers for next year. Please complete the ballot and turn it in after the show is over.
Student Fire victims cards (Happy Hugs)
Will be collected at the ticket window.
Excerpt from email from Mr. Brooker:
"I would like to ask that you join me in this effort and ask your students to make a card with simple messages to offer hope and kindness to these students in need. Just so that they know that someone cares and is thinking about them. It would probably be best not to include pictures of fire, etc but more like the Happy green pictures of life, smiles and neighborhoods that they can remember".
Please contact ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com 960-2577 (cell) if you have any questions about the above announcements.
Thank you,
Claudia Davis
Parent Volunteer
Posted by
Claudia Davis
8:36 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
CBHS Band Music CD and Marching Band DVD
2007-2008 Band Minuteman Band Music CD and Marching Band DVD
Order Form
Order this memorable DVD capturing the memorable moments of this year’s exciting marching season – Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band Camp through Contest!
Cost: $20
Also available Music CD which includes this year’s Winter and Spring Concerts(Beginning Band, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble)
Cost: $12
Please fill out order form below and return to Mr. Brooker with payment.
Items will be delivered to your student before the end of the school year.
Please make checks payable to: Cocoa Beach HS Band.
Student’s Name:_________________________
Phone Number:__________________________
Email Address: __________________________
Quantity Ordered
TotalMarching Band DVD ------------ __________ X $20 ----------- $ ___________
Winter/Spring CD ---------------- __________ X $12 ----------- $ ___________
Total Payment Due With Order $ ___________
Posted by
Claudia Davis
2:03 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cocoa Beach High Wind Ensemble Performance
It will be held Wednesday, May 7th at 6:30.
The ceremony should last only an hour. Many district and community leaders will be present.
THe Wind Ensemble will perform in concert uniform.
Students should arrive at 6pm to tune and prepare.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:23 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Cocoa Beach High Band Boosters Fundraiser May 10
Good Day Everyone!
We have another opportunity to raise funds for both the instrumental part of the band, i.e., marching band, wind ensemble, concert, etc.. and the Winter Guard.
This fund raiser also doesn’t cost any monetary means up front! All we need is you and some of your time. I hate to say the obvious, the more people we have, the less time on those who volunteer.
Here is what we have:
When: Saturday, May 10, 2008
Time: 7:15 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m. (volunteers welcomed to have lunch at the pavilion afterwards). Dependent on number of volunteers, will depend on length of shift.
What do we do? Well we sell chances for the golf players to win a sleeve of golf balls (3 golf balls to a sleeve). It’s called “Hit the Green” contest. The golf players, play in teams of 4 people. As they approach our designated holes, they have an opportunity for $3.00 to play the contest. They give the $3.00 to our people working at the tee of the hole. They hit their golf ball. If their first hit lands in the “green” near the hole, they will be given a sleeve of golf balls by the person working near the hole. I hope this describes the contest. By the way, the sleeves of golf balls are provided by the Elks Club and we as an organization receive 100% of what we take in. What an easy fund raiser and as I said, it only cost us a little bit of our time. This is the “just of it” I’ll get with everyone how we work the logistics of it at the golf course.
Volunteer requirement:
We need at least 3 people per hole per shift. We have 2 holes. Ideally, 2 students work at the tee while 1 adult works at the hole. So we need a total of 6 people (since we have 2 holes) to work per shift. Also, if we have more adults, they can also work at the tee, as far as who volunteers, it is very flexible, we welcome anyone to help out the band.
I would like to first ask for volunteers, have a list by this Tuesday, May 6, 2008 of volunteers and then assigned shifts. I need to know first how many volunteers first so we can cover the entire period. If you want to bring your lawn chairs, lawn chairs with umbrellas that is fine also. We will make this a fun event.
Please e-mail me or call me (preferably e-mail me; but I’ll take calls too) about volunteering or any questions!
My e-mail address is: dale1stsgt@aol.com
and my phone number is: 321-431-8843.
It is critical I have the list of names completed by this Tuesday, May 6, 2008.
I’ll also forward a student sign up list to Mr. Brooker, so please see him to sign up. However, parents and students, it is optimum to e-mail me your names. If possible, since it is a relative short period of time, please be flexible on your times that day. If you are able to do the entire time, please indicate so.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Let’s have a great turnout.
Dale Vicos
Vice President of Band Boosters Board of Directors
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:30 PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Baton Twirling Competition
We are hosting a Baton Twirling Competition on May 31st, 2008 in the Cocoa Beach Gym from 10-2pm – This is a recruitment effort as well.
The Band will be running concessions on that day. All Profits from this day will go to the Cocoa Beach Band program. The plan is to sell the drinks and snacks already in the cooler and to sell what ever is in the stand already (only). This will help us recoup money already paid out.
We will buy hotdogs and buns to sell as well—but only a limited amount.
Mr. Russell as I understand will be the Adult supervisor and Matthew and Justin will be the workers on this day.
If anyone else wants to be involved just let me know and we will sign you up.
Chuck Brooker
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:55 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band Banquet
Band Families,
It is that time of year again. It’s a time to celebrate a great year in our Band program and acknowledge hard work and effort with recognition and awards. We will have a Band Awards Banquet on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 6 pm. The location will be the Grand Ball Room at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Ocean Front. Mark your calendar.
This will be a dinner event that will be served to us. You will select your meal type, number of people attending, and send in your payment at that time. This event is for every band member in each band and their family members and/or guests. This is our band families' time of celebration. Students are always proud to be recognized in front of their parents and friends. Awards include Solo and Ensemble awards, District MPA awards and individual awards. All band students will be recognized.
The Hilton requires full payment and guest count in advance so all reservations and payments must be received no later than Thursday, May 1, 2008.
Chuck Brooker
Director of Bands
Band Dinner & Award Banquet
You Are Invited!
Who: Students, families & friends of Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High Bands
When: Monday, May 12, 2008
Where: Cocoa Beach Hilton Ocean Front -- Grand Ballroom
When: Doors open at 6:00 pmEvents: Dining begins at 6:30 pm.
Awards Ceremony to follow dinner. All Students will receive awards!
Dress Attire: Collared Shirts (tie optional) nice slacks or dress (No T-shirts or Shorts)
Cost: $18.00 per person (parents, students & guests)
Menu: Penne Pasta Primavera with Alfredo Sauce & Parmeson
Penne Pasta Primavera with Alfredo Sauce & Parmesonwith Vegetables and Grilled Chicken
Fresh Garden Salad
Garlic Sticks
Beverages - Coffee (reg. & decaf), Tea, Iced Tea
Dessert: Cake (compliments of Adrienne Roth, Brevard Business News)
RSVP: Complete Form below. Send with check to Mr. Brooker.
Register and pay no later than May 1 please - We need to order food in advance and
The Hilton requires full payment and guest count in advance.
Checks payable to "Cocoa Beach Band Boosters"
Confirmation: Check in at Door. Tickets will be distributed at that time.
Your check is your receipt.
Questions? Contact Claudia Davis
Email: ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com Phone: 960-2577
Please return the bottom of this letter along with payment to Mr. Brooker.
*************************CUT HERE***************************
Send with payment to Mr. Brooker by Thursday May 1, 2008
Total paid $_____________ Check # __________
Posted by
Claudia Davis
1:47 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Brevard School Board must cut $3.6M from budget — this month
BY KATE BRENNAN Florida TodayMonday, March 24, 2008
VIERA — With the school year two-thirds over and most of the money spent, the Brevard County School Board faces the daunting task of cutting another $3.6 million from its budget this month.
Superintendent Richard DiPatri wants the board to go even further at tonight's meeting. He recommended the board cut about $2 million more to brace for budget reductions next year that he said could run as high as $35 million if state revenue shortfalls worsen.
"I'm real nervous about next year, and I'm trying to build up as many reserves as I can," DiPatri told the board earlier this month. "I'm taking a very cautious, conservative approach."
In total, Brevard Public Schools has lost about $13.6 million this year from its $587 million operating budget, or just more than 2 percent.
The board already has pared down its budget by about $10 million through cost-saving measures implemented last August, including freezing 45 vacant positions, requiring each district department to reduce its budget by 10 percent and reining in employee travel expenses.
To trim the remaining $3.6 million and roll over nearly $2 million into next year's budget, DiPatri recommended:
Reducing summer school programs by $1.83 million by cutting all enrichment programs and credit makeup courses and eliminating transportation, except for middle- and high-school exceptional education students.
Reducing an emergency fund for capital projects by $1 million.
Reducing the workers' compensation fund by $1.5 million.
Using two sources of revenue, the district is expecting $700,000 in state award money for middle-school students who earned a C or better in algebra, and $540,000 from a statewide settlement with Microsoft for overcharging districts for their products.
The board will decide whether to accept, reject or modify the recommended cuts today.
Board chair Janice Kershaw asked DiPatri to consider using a portion of the district's reserve funds to soften the blow from the budget cuts. But board members Amy Kneessy and Robert Jordan said they opposed dipping into the reserves now in case the situation gets worse later.
"We're saying $30 (million) to $35 million next year, but what's going to happen after that?" Jordan said. "How far is this going to go down? That's what really scares me. We really need to prepare for maybe five years of downward spiral."
Jordan, who said he'd prefer to ask each school and department to shave their budgets by a certain percent next year, expressed frustration at the way state lawmakers made cuts.
"So much for the governor saying they were going to hold education harmless because this is really harming us," he said.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
6:56 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Art and Band parents beat back physical ed requirement for middle schoolers
Art and band parents beat back physical ed requirement for middle schoolers
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
TALLAHASSEE — Bowing to Band boosters - the world's most powerful lobby, one senator joked - lawmakers backed away from mandating physical education for every Florida middle schooler.
Instead, parents would be able to let their child skip the semester of PE requirement, under an amended bill approved by a Senate committee Wednesday.
Arts activists flooded lawmakers with emails and phone calls concerned that the original version of the bill (SB610) would have limited access to their courses.
Sen. Larcenia J. Bullard, D-Miami, said she got many phone calls and about 1,400 emails from teachers of arts courses and others worried about the bill.
Most middle school students only get two electives. If PE were required, critics said, too many students would be forced to drop chorus or band to take a foreign language or remedial reading or math courses required for struggling students.
Senate education committee Chairman Sen. Don Gaetz congratulated sponsor Sen. Lee Constantine, R-Altamonte Springs, for coming up with compromise language.
"If I have to choose between band parents and anything else, I'll choose band parents," said Gaetz, former Okaloosa County Superintendent. "I know they are the most powerful lobby in the world."
The bill passed the Senate pre-k through 12 education committee with Sen. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, dissenting.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
3:09 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Brevard County Middle School Music Performance Assessment March 25 & 26
Hello Band Families,
We need Adult and Student helpers after school next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please volunteer and/or support your student if he/she wants to volunteer.
Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School is hosting the Brevard County Middle School Music Performance Assessment next Tuesday and Wednesday March 25 & 26 in our new auditorium. For those of you who are not familiar, this is the Middle School version of the event our CBHS Wind Ensemble attended last Saturday at Satellite High School.
We will be host to 20+ Middle School Bands and parents over the 2 days. It is considered an Honor to do this. We will use our new auditorium to listen to the bands play and we will host a complimentary dinner both evenings for the judges.
The schools will begin to arrive each day at 2 pm and we will be busy until about 9 pm. Their arrivals and departures will be staggered.
There are various jobs involved and Yvonne Campbell will assign tasks when she gets volunteer commitments. Both students and adults will be assigned to each task.
MOMS & DADS are needed for the following:
INFORMATION AND PROGRAM DISTRIBUTORS 2 pm – 9 pm (shifts available)
2 adults. First shift starts at 2 pm to set up and work at tables in the Theatre Lobby. You will provide information to parents and directors. We will provide you with all the details including diagrams. You will also distribute programs.
BUS DIRECTOR - 2 pm – 9 pm (shifts available).
1 Adult in the parking lot to direct the busses.
DINNER SERVERS – 5 pm to 7:30 pm
2 or 3 Adults to help serve the meal we will be providing for the judges and a few
other people. The dinner will be served between 6 and 7 pm. Yvonne Campbell will coordinate the dinner and needs helpers.
CONCESSION (TABLE) 2 pm to 9 pm (shifts available)
2 or 3 to run a small concession area outside the Theatre. Will sell drinks and light snacks. I (Claudia Davis) will coordinate this and I need helpers.
UNIFORM HELPERS – WED ONLY (3:30 pm to 4:30 pm)
2 - 3 Middle school parents - Our performance time is 4:30 on Wednesday. Our kids need to be dressed and ready. Need helpers after school that day to help dress the kids.
As you see, we need help from 2pm – 9pm both days. If you can work both days, great! Or if you can only work a shift on either or both days that is appreciated too!
We can’t have too many helpers so yes, we need you!
Please contact me with your dates and times you are available. Yvonne Campbell will give you your assignment unless you have a particular job request.
Please RSVP as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Claudia Davis
Posted by
Claudia Davis
5:14 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Oppose SB 610 (Senate Bill) letter
Copy of Email I sent to Florida Senators
I have been notified that SB 610 will be heard in the Senate K-12 Education Committee on Wednesday, March 19 at 9:00 a.m. I understand that this is the bill which mandates 225 minutes of PE each week for middle school students (grades 6-8).
I am a band student parent that is highly concerned about the future of the school Music Program being impacted if this goes through. Even though my son will be a senior in Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School next year, I support this kind of education in our schools and I want it to continue.
While I totally support schools offering Physical Education, I do not want the Music program to be jeopardized. I am concerned that "SB 610" will obliterate the ability to maintain a music program in our schools by not making it available due to scheduling restrictions to students. Especially at the age (middle school years) when students normally make the commitment to a musical program.
Also, many students from the K-12 school music programs eventually feed into the music programs offered in Universities and beyond. Here is a quote directly from website at Florida State University
"Florida State University's arts programs—dance, film, music and theatre—rank among the finest in the world."
What will happen to this and other similar music programs if students are not able to learn music when they are young?
I agree with the following points:
Talking Points
• Mandating PE without providing an additional period will eliminate fine arts classes and other electives for any school on a six-period day. This will lead to the elimination of high school programs which depend on middle schools to begin building skills and technique for student success at the high school level.
• This effort has significant fiscal impact even though certified PE teachers are not required by the bill. That uncertified teachers may be responsible for instruction dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the effort and many more instructors are still required to implement such a class for every middle school student. If the course is not to be taught with integrity and standards, then it is, indeed, an empty gesture.
• If additional mandates are to be placed on the school day, additional time and funding must be provided for implementation (ie. add another period in the day, fund the teachers) so that other areas of the curriculum are not reduced or eliminated.
• We are not opposed to more physical education in the school day, however, we do oppose this bill which does not provide for adequate implementation. Our position is that physical education and other electives should not be mutually exclusive.
Will you help support our music program being able to continue?
We would appreciate any support that you can give to our concerns.
Please let me know if you receive this email. Thank you in advance for whatever you can do.
Claudia Davis
PS: Please listen to this exciting musical clip (2 minutes) performed by Cocoa Beach High School. I hope you are as thrilled as I am when I listen to this. I do not want to see this program go away!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:13 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
FCAT ALERT! Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School
Alert #1--Tuesday, March 11--FCAT Reading for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10
Wednesday, March 12--FCAT Mathematics for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10
Thursday, March 13--FCAT Science for students in grade 11
Monday, March 17--FCAT Science for students in grade 8
Wednesday, March 19--FCAT Norm Referenced testing for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10
Alert #2--New testing rules from the state have come down. Any student who has possession or access to any electronic device, such as a cell phone, iPod, or mp3 player, MUST have their test invalidated even if the devices are turned off. Please be sure to tell your student to take special care with their electronic items. Our suggestion is that these items be left at home or kept locked in vehicles or in lockers.
Alert #3--Checkouts from school will not be permitted for those students involved in the testing. The testing lasts the entire day on Tuesday, March 11, and Wednesday, March 12. There will be make-up days for students who are sick on test day.
Alert #4--Please encourage your student to get a good night's sleep before each of the tests and to eat a good breakfast before coming to school. Let them know that you take this testing seriously and that they should strive to do their best. High stakes testing such as the FCAT can be stressful for students, but with your attention and caring, your students will come thorough fine.
Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School has an outstanding record on the FCAT. Our students are well prepared and with your help we are looking for a repeat of past years' successes.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
10:41 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
March 15 District Festival MPA - Saturday
Performance at District Festival at Satellite – 9:00am - 1:15am
Be at CBHS in your seat ready to play at 9:00am (already tuned) - fully dressed and having already eaten breakfast. Our MPA performance will be at 11:30am at @ Satellite High - We will return back to CBHS at 1:15am - Parents are needed for chaperoning - I need five chaperones for this event. Please email me if you can chaperone.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
6:04 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Band Student Practice Logs and Procedures
Hello Parents,
Just a reminder that each student has a practice requirement of 3 hrs each week. That is a half hour each day or any combination thereof. These hours should be logged into www.charmsmusic.com .
Here is the link to directions for access charms for those that have misplaced them.www.cocoabeachband.com then follow on to the find out more words next to the blue Charms logo
Thanks for helping the students remember that they are graded on their practice time. Helpful practice tips are below.
Practice: Why do we practice?
- To be responsible to the music.
- To be responsible to your classmates because the ensemble is only as strong as its weakest members. Musicians who do not come to rehearsal prepared and knowing their music lower the level of the whole group.
- To increase your technical playing ability; the speed and accuracy with which you play pitches and rhythms.
- To solve playing problems presented by the music.
- To improve your concentration, focus, stamina and endurance.
- To learn something new and for the sheer enjoyment of exploration.
- Practicing your instrument is like making a bank investment, the smarter and the more you invest, the greater the guaranteed return.
When do we practice?
- It is better to practice more often and for shorter periods of time - just as it is not effective to cram for an exam. Irregular practice does not usually lead to any significant progress.
- Preferably at the same time every day to maintain consistency and be sure to develop a consistent routine.
Where do we practice?
- A quiet room free of noise and distractions. Do not play with the television or radio on because you need to be able to concentrate and listen closely to your sound.
- Try not to practice with other people in the room because there might be a tendency to want to "perform" for that person thus inhibiting any real practice and progress.
- Ideally, you'll want to be able to practice in a room that you have setup specifically for practicing with access to a piano. What do we need in order to practice?
- A good, firm chair.
- Sufficient lighting.
- A piano, if possible, to check notes.
- A metronome, to check our sense of rhythm and time.
- A tuner, to check our pitch.
- A music stand.
- A pencil.
- Your instrument.
- Your music.
- Perseverance and dedication.
- A positive attitude.
How do we practice? -
If you are sitting, make sure you are sitting "tall", and sitting on the front half of the chair with the small of your back away from the back of the chair. Make sure that your back is straight and that shoulders and arms are relaxed. Imagine that a string is attached to the top of your head and that it is continually making sure that your spine is straight.
- Setup specific goals to be accomplished for the practice session and remember to pace yourself. - Have a set warm-up routine to begin your session. Balance your warm-up routine by covering breath support exercises, scales and arpeggios [for everyone], long tones and lip slurs [for wind instrumentalists], mouthpiece buzzing [for brass players], and vocalizing [for singers]. - Following your warm-up, isolate the difficult music first. Remember to check your key and time signatures, tempo and markings. Read through the music or passage on a "dry run". - Practice everything slowly at first. This will give your brain the opportunity to get acquainted with the physical actions required to produce the sounds the music requires. Gradually increase the metronome pulse as you become familiar with the music.
- Use a pencil [NEVER PEN!] to lightly write in fingerings, articulations, breath marks, rhythms, and accidentals that you think may be troublesome.
- Drill on counting where it might be troublesome by:
• Writing out the counting.•
Counting out loud.
• Counting and clapping the rhythm.
• Playing on a single pitch.
• Playing as written.
- If a particular passage gets frustrating after repeated attempts, don't worry about it! Move on to something else, and try to tackle it again at a later time.
- If you feel tense, begin by taking long, deep breaths and stretch and limber your muscles.
- Use your tuner to develop a centered sense of pitch.
- Use your metronome to develop a centered sense of time at all tempi.
- At the end of your session, feel free to work ahead, or to play anything you like! Try to spend some time composing your own tune or playing a tune that you've heard 'by ear'.
- One last thing, remember that practice does not make perfect, but perfect practice does! Practice Time
- How much? 45 minutes per day of uninterrupted time. 5 days a week.
- Where? Room with the door shut, no interruptions, no radio on, chair, music stand , metronome.
- What? Music from class, music from technique book, music and scales assigned by Director, own music for fun.
- Why? Learning an instrument is a complex skill with many tasks taking place simultaneously There will be many time that frustration will set in. This is where you as a parent can help a great deal. Encouragement and praise when praise is due are crucial for your child to feel successful.
Private Lessons
A. Why? Again we are dealing with a complex skill.
B. When? As soon as you are financially able to support them.
C. How much? Aprox Fifteen – twenty dollars per 30 minutes.
D. With whom do you study ?
See Director for reccomendations
A word or two about attitude: The key to successful progress is a positive attitude towards what you are attempting to accomplish. There is no substitute for perseverance and self-discipline. There is no "magic formula" for success. Real performance ability on a musical instrument is about 90% hard work and 10% talent, with a large dash of interest thrown in.
In the words of famous NFL coach Vince Lombardi: "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
Chuck BrookerDirector of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:30 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Middle School Concert Band Rehearsals
Dear Teachers,
Students in the Middle School Concert Band have two upcoming very important mandatory rehearsals after school in order to prepare for our district required, Music Performance Assessments. As you can imagine have a rehearsal to fix and adjust balance, rhythms, notes, etc. with students missing from that ensemble would be a nightmare. We plan two after school rehearsals during this time of year each year to help meet the district assessment needs.
The students were given information on these rehearsals as well several weeks back. I know that some of them may not come see you directly so I thought I would send this courtesy email as many of these students are in the extra curricular and enhancement programs after school, track, swimming, OM, etc that practice after school during the week. I know that your practices and rehearsals and meetings are important and that is exactly why I am sending you this email in advance to allow for better planning.
Please allow these students to be present at these required rehearsals without penalty.
The rehearsals are:
February 27 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5pm @ CBHS-AUD w/ special clinician
March 4 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5:30pm @ CBHSAUD w/special clinician
Thank you for your help. If you have any questions please see me. These students in the class are listed below:
There actual Music Performance Assessment is on March 25 or the 26 here at Cocoa Beach. We will not know the exact time or date until a week before hand , but we will be asking for the 26th evening. I will keep you posted.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Chuck Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:05 AM
Florida Band Masters Solo and Ensemble Competition Results
This past weekend band students participated in the Florida Band Masters Solo and Ensemble Competition. Cocoa Beach was represented very well. 86 students received Superior ratings – First Place. (That is the highest rating possible) 33 students received an Excellent rating – Second Place. This is an outstanding accomplishment for these young students. This event included Cocoa Beach band students in the 6th -12 grades performing solos, duets, trios, quartets, and even a clarinet choir’s for high school and Junior high and the color guard. 26 students have qualified for the State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Congratulations to all of these students!
In addition, the Cocoa Beach Winter Guard team received Superior Ratings for the first time in 5 years! Congratulations Winter Guard and Coach Mrs. Lindsey.
Thank you to everyone for your support of the band and these students
I passed out the comment sheets in class. Ask your student how they did!
Chuck Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
9:02 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Pizza and Music
Cocoa Beach Bands and Beginning Orchestrateams up with Joe Corbi’s Fund Raising
Our fund-raiser begins today. Our goal is to have as many participants as possible sell at least 11 items. Joe Corbi’s products will make excellent gifts for your friends and co-workers.
Proceeds from this fund-raiser go to fund Mr. Brooker’s music programs and materials that will enhance the educational experience at Cocoa Beach. Your help is greatly appreciated on this event.
1. The Sale begins today and ends February 22. Students are asked to simply take orders from family, friends, and neighbors. Please do not sell to strangers. Many parents help by taking a brochure to work and taking orders from co-workers. Please collect money when taking orders. Make checks payable to: Cocoa Beach Jr. Sr. High
2. Please turn in your money in the collection envelope by February 22.
3. Delivery will be the first week in March.
1. Sell 11 Items or more: Simply fill out the FREE TICKET in your brochure and turn in the ticket with your collection envelope and you will receive: 1-FREE Grandma Corbi’s Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough
2. For every 11 items sold, (sell 22 items, get 2 chances to win) your name will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a Family Vacation to either Disney Resort Magic, Sanibel Island, Florida or a Disney Cruise!! Simply read the instructions and fill out the Rewards Program Entry Form in your brochure and turn the form in with your collection envelope.(all trips include round trip airfare, hotel and taxes and more!!)
If you have any questions feel free to email Mr. Brooker @ brookerm@brevard.k12.fl.us THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
3:53 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Second ANNUAL PLAYATHON - Success!
Posted by
Claudia Davis
12:14 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Solo & Ensembles Feb 15-16 @ Satellite HS
Mr. Chuck Brooker, Director
1500 Minutemen Causeway, Cocoa Beach Fl 32931
Phone 783-1776 _______________________________________________________________
It is that time of year again for instrumental solo and ensembles!! All Students in the Cocoa Beach Band program will participate in the solo and ensemble festival and will receive a grade for their participation. Middle school students will play an assigned solo with provided piano/computer accompaniment. High school students may play either a solo with piano or an ensemble such as a duet, trio, quartet, etc. depending on their grade level. They can also choose to participate in an ensemble or small group. They are limited to 3 events to participate in. Each student will perform their solo and ensembles on February 15-16, 2008 at Satellite High School. I and other volunteers will work with them on their music before then. This event is another way to excel individually and master new areas of music and their instrument.In order for each of our students to participate CBHS Band must pay an assessment fee for each student. Our assessment amount this year will be $6.50 per entry. That is for each event you participate in. CBHS Band pays this fee for you. If you do not participate for any reason you must repay this fee back to the Band. Solo and Ensemble Festival is at Satellite High School on February 15 & 16, 2008. Your performance will be on one of the two dates assigned by the district. Please set aside Friday, 15 and Saturday the 16th of February for this event. You child will be assigned a time slot one week in advance and I will share that with your student then.
General Information:
1. Arrive early to warm-up (about 45 minutes) and find your room based on your judge (look for maps at Satellite High).
2. Make certain measures are numbered the same for you and the judge.
3. If you are using the school accompanist, don't be concerned if you can't find them. They will find you and they do have a schedule!
4. Check your schedule carefully.
5. Make certain that all ensemble members get together on equipment and transportation Arrangements. Choir members: Bring a folding music stand please!
6. Photocopy your music for you to play. The judge gets the original. Number allmeasures on both.
7. Dress appropriately. Girls: Nice Dress or Blouse with dress slacks. Boys: Dress shirt, tie, dress pants. A jacket or suit would be nice but is optional.
8. Your performance is open for family, friends, and others. I encourage all of you to listen to as many events as possible.
9. Success is not measured by your rating. Performing for the judge and receiving comments will help you become a BETTER musician. THAT'S WHAT FESTIVAL IS ALL ABOUT!!
Each student will introduce themselves or their group in the following manner. Please memorize if possible.
Hello, My name is________________________________, I am a student at Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School. I/we am in the __________________________grade(s). Today I am going to perform the _______________________________(insert the name of the piece of music). Thank you in advance for your comments.
Always be polite. You are representing Cocoa Beach
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:38 PM
Band Practice Needed
Students should be applying outside the classroom practice time on their instrument. Right now we are focused heavily on Solo and Ensemble music. Students should be practicing 30 minutes a day up to 3 hours a week. More is better!
Please ask your student about their practice time. Please help them find the time to do their band homework. Grades are given for practice.
Practice logs are kept on the band Charms account.www.charmsmusic.com
Chuck Brooker
Band Director
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:28 PM
Serv Safe Class Feb 28 & 29
ServSafe will be offered on February 28 and 29 at ESF. If you are not ServSafe Certified, please contact Food and Nutrition Services at 690. This is soon to be a job requirement and is in your best interest to have this certification. Space is available on a first come first served basis. Books for the class will be sent out tomorrow for study prior to the classroom training. Certification is good for five years from examination date. If you were certified by Food and Nutrition Services at ESF, you are still good for at least a year.
Mary S. Lake
Field Operations Supervisor
Food and Nutrition Services
321 633-1000 ext. 634
Educational Services Facility
2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940-6601
Sunshine Law and Public Records Caution:
Most E-mail communications made or received by Brevard Public Schools employees are considered public records that must be retained and, upon request, made available to the public and media.
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:26 PM
Winter Guard Performances
Jan.19- Winter Springs High School (Premiers-orlando area)
Feb.9- Colonial High School (orlando)
Feb.15-17= FBA Solo and Ensemble
Mar.15- St. Augustine High School
April 4- Finals- Silver Springs Arena, KissimmeeTBA- Cocoa Beach Performing Arts Showcase
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:22 PM
Wind Ensemble Calendar Feb - May 2008
February 8, 2007 Playathon 3:30-11pm @CBHS AUD * Optional
February 15-16 Solo and Ensemble Time TBA @ Satellite - Mandatory
February 27 Mandatory after School Practice 5pm-7:30pm @ CBHSPAC
With Special Clinician
March 3 Mandatory Prefestival Performance - Time TBA@ CBHSPAC
March 5 Mandatory after School Practice 3:30pm-5:30pm @CBHSPAC -With Special Clinician
March 13 Mandatory after School Rehearsal 3:30pm-5pm @CBHS PAC
March 15-16 Brevard County High School Music Performance Assessment
Mandatory – After School - Time TBA@ Satellite
May 20, 2008 High School Band Spring Concert 7pm
Mandatory – Students Arrive at 6:15pm for Warmups and Tuning
May 24, 2008 All Bands - Trip to Busch Gardens – Tentative - *optional
May 30, 2008 Graduation Performance – Upcoming 9th grade students perform with the HS Wind Ensemble – this is a Cocoa Beach Tradition
All events marked as mandatory events are grade events. Each student is need at the rehearsals as we are a team and fixing some parts while others are absent is useless. We need everyone at all events listed.
Please mark your calendar.
Chuck Brooker
Director of Instrumental Music
National Board Certified Teacher
Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High School
Posted by
Claudia Davis
4:08 PM