CBHS Band Parent News - Week of Oct. 22, 2007
By Claudia Davis, Band Parent Volunteer / Band Booster Treasurer, Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School
Hello Band Parents,
Last Week’s Events:
"Thank You" to our hard working parents who helped support the band at our home football game with Celebration!

For details about who helped and more photos please visit: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.blogspot.com/2007/10/cbhs-marching-band-70s-show-disco-ball_22.html
Retakes of student pictures have been scheduled for November 6. If your student did not have pictures taken or if the pictures they have received are unacceptable, this is the day. Please remember that students must bring their packets with them to receive a retake. Contact Layla O'Hare for information on packet pricing.
The Cocoa Beach High School Army JROTC Battalion will host the annual Veterans’ Day assembly on November 9th in the school gymnasium. The assembly will be attended by over 1,000 students, faculty, and guests. In addition to our honor guard posting the colors, there will be performances by our choral and band groups complemented by a special guest speaker. Veterans from various veteran groups and organizations will be in attendance to be recognized and honored.
FAMILY MEMBERS OF STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF WHO ARE VETERANS ARE ALSO ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND SO THEY MAY BE RECOGNIZED AS WELL. We would like to honor and recognize as many veterans as possible. Our students always comment that it is a highlight for them to see the veterans, especially if they choose to wear any special apparel. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD AND ENCOURAGE VETERANS TO COME JOIN US.
The ceremony will start at 2 PM and conclude by 3 PM. Parents, please come to be part of this wonderful recognition of our country's military.
STUDENT CHECK OUT PROCEDURES--A REMINDER Parents/Guardians may check out their students in the attendance office with proper identification. DO NOT CALL AHEAD AND ASK TO HAVE STUDENTS WAITING IN THE OFFICE BECAUSE IDENTIFICATION MUST BE MADE BEFORE WE WILL CALL A STUDENT OF OUT CLASS. Please be aware of our student’s schedule when coming to check him/her out of school. Since our school is under construction, please allow extra time for us to locate your student. Also, please allow extra time if your student is in P.E., Drivers Ed or at lunch. THERE ARE NO CHECK OUTS AFTER 3:00 P.M. Students may leave without the presence of the parent/guardian if written authorization is provided. A signed note from the parent/guardian must be brought to the attendance office before school. All notes will be verified. If verification cannot be made we will not release the student. CHECKING OUT BY TELEPHONE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

ALL WEEK (payments due Nov. 1)
Please help support our Band program.
Win an IPOD for the highest Cheesecake Sales!!
Click here for details:
New - Blog “Comment” feature!
Please note that each blogged item on our Cocoa Beach Band Boosters Blog has a “comment link”. We want to hear from you! Feedback, questions, comments, compliments, suggestions, requests, etc. You can sign your name or you can use “anonymous”. Please share your comments!
Updated Volunteer Calendar with Graphics and Color - lot's of eye appeal!
Please check it out and while you are there, please pick a date(s) that you can volunteer!!
Click here to view calendar:
Coming Soon:
School Athletics Pep Rally! Free Food! Nov. 1 after school
Click here for details: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.blogspot.com/2007/10/cocoa-beach-high-pep-rally-nov-1-2007.html

Marching Band Bonfire!
We appreciate our hardworking Marching Band students and we want to have an end of Marching Season celebration on Saturday, November 10. We had such a great time at last year’s Bonfire, we want to have one again! Details will come out soon.
This Week’s Events and Volunteer Needs:
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 with any questions or to volunteer for any events listed below:

3:30 till 7:30 –Shifts available
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com if you can volunteer.
4:30PM Coed Varsity Cross Country - Cape Coast Conference:JV start 4:30pm; Girls Varsity 5:15pm; Boys Varsity 5:45pm

FRI OCT 26, 2007 7:30 PM Boys Varsity Football VS. Astronaut High School
Also, Senior Night
If you like team work, fun and lot’s of action, please join us at the inside Concession Stand this Friday! Concession window Sales, food wrappers and grillers needed.
Please contact me to make sure I have your name to give to the gate to for free admission.
5:00 till 10:30 pm –Shifts available
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com if you can volunteer.

SAT OCT 27, 2007
Band - Marching Festival - Palm Bay
This is our last Marching Competition scheduled, Please attend!
Cocoa Beach Band Boosters website –News, Photos and Videos: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/
Band Booster Blog (Band News and photos) http://cocoabeachbandboosters.blogspot.com/
VOLUNTEER CALENDAR - http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/0708/Calendar/Calendar.html
CHARMS - http://charmsmusic.com/. Our access code is “beachband”. Then enter your child’s school ID# (this can be found on student Report Card).
Claudia Davis
Band Booster Parent Volunteer
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