CBHS Band Parent News - Week of Oct. 13, 2007

By Claudia Davis, Band Parent By Claudia Davis, Band Parent Volunteer / Band Booster Treasurer Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band
Hello Band Parents,
Photos Above: (click on photos for large version)
Some of our Chaperones, PIT & PROP crew parents at the Vero Beach Crown Jewel Marching Band Competition on Saturday October 13, 2007.
Some of our Chaperones, PIT & PROP crew parents at the Vero Beach Crown Jewel Marching Band Competition on Saturday October 13, 2007.
Last Week’s Events:
"Thank You" to our hard working parents who helped at the Cocoa High away football game and at the Vero Beach Crown Jewel Marching Band Competition!
"Thank You" to our hard working parents who helped at the Cocoa High away football game and at the Vero Beach Crown Jewel Marching Band Competition!
A Special "Thank You" to Dave Guseman for donating his trailer and hauling our Golf Cart and to Ivan Henson for driving the 16 foot equipment rental truck filled with our marching band instruments, show props and water for our band. They have both loyally driven to each away football game and marching competition. We appreciate you!
To see Photos and Videos of the Vero Beach Crown Jewel competition please visit http://www.cocoabeachbandboosters.com/ and click on the links for “Photos” and “Videos”.
Helpful information:
School Photo makeup day will be on Tuesday October 23rd, 2007.
School Photo makeup day will be on Tuesday October 23rd, 2007.
Coming Soon:
Concert Band Highlights!! As you know, "Marching Band" has dominated our Band program as it does every year during Football Season. But that will all change soon and the focus will be on all of our band students, our new auditorium and coming shows! Stay Tuned!
Concert Band Highlights!! As you know, "Marching Band" has dominated our Band program as it does every year during Football Season. But that will all change soon and the focus will be on all of our band students, our new auditorium and coming shows! Stay Tuned!
Volunteer Update:
Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped so far. I have all the log sheets and the emailed hours that you sent me. I am in the process of data entering them into one big spread sheet. The data entry is an ongoing project but I will share a report as soon as I can.
This Week’s Events and Volunteer Needs:
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 to volunteer for any events listed below:
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 to volunteer for any events listed below:
5- 8 pm -- Shifts available 5:00PM Boys Middle School Football VS. Warner Christian Academy
5:30PM Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball VS. Edgewood Junior Senior High School
7:00PM Girls Varsity Volleyball VS. Edgewood Junior Senior High School
5- 8 pm -- Shifts available 5:00PM Boys Middle School Football VS. Warner Christian Academy
5:30PM Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball VS. Edgewood Junior Senior High School
7:00PM Girls Varsity Volleyball VS. Edgewood Junior Senior High School
5- 8 pm -- Shifts available 5:00PM Boys Middle School Basketball VS. West Shore Jr./ Sr. High
6:30PM Girls Middle School Basketball VS. West Shore Jr./ Sr. High
5- 8 pm -- Shifts available 5:00PM Boys Middle School Basketball VS. West Shore Jr./ Sr. High
6:30PM Girls Middle School Basketball VS. West Shore Jr./ Sr. High
If you like team work, fun and an “adrenaline rush” please join us at the inside Concession Stand this Friday! Concession window Sales, food wrappers and grillers needed.
Make sure I have your name to give to the gate to give you free admission.
If you like team work, fun and an “adrenaline rush” please join us at the inside Concession Stand this Friday! Concession window Sales, food wrappers and grillers needed.
Make sure I have your name to give to the gate to give you free admission.
5 – 10:30 pm -- Shifts available
7:30PM Boys Varsity Football VS. Celebration School HOME FOOTBALL GAME
The above is also displayed here: VOLUNTEER CALENDAR http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/0708/Calendar/Calendar.html
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 to volunteer for any events listed above.
Please email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 to volunteer for any events listed above.
Cocoa Beach Band Boosters website –News, Photos and Videos: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/·
Band Booster Blog (Band News and photos) http://cocoabeachbandboosters.blogspot.com/
· VOLUNTEER CALENDAR - http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/0708/Calendar/Calendar.html
CHARMS - http://charmsmusic.com/.
Charms is our Band data management program with great features. You can check your student’s account, your families’ contact information and Mr. Brooker’s Band Calendar. Other features are being added all the time.· Charms can be accessed by going to Mr. Brooker’s Band Website at http://cocoabeachband.com/and clicking on the “Charms” Link or you can go directly to the Charms website by clicking here: http://charmsmusic.com/.
Our access code is “beachband”. Then enter your child’s school ID# (this can be found on student Report Card).
· Please let me or Mr. Brooker know if you have any questions about using Charms. My email is ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com . Mr. Brooker’s email is brookerm@brevard.k12.fl.us.
Have a nice Week!
Claudia Davis
Band Booster Parent Volunteer
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