By Claudia Davis, Band Parent Volunteer / Band Booster Treasurer Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School Band
Hello Band Parents,
Our Band and some of our hard working Parents at the Space Coast Marching Band Festival.
Last Week’s Events:
Thank you to all who helped at the The Space Coast Marching Festival at Merritt Island!
Alumni Photo (last year's Band Senior's) at our Show on Saturday
Welcome New Parent Volunteer!A warm welcome to Orchestra Parent Leslie Shivamber who helped at 2 concession stand nights last week! Leslie jumped right into Concession window sales and was a huge help. Thank you Leslie!
Helpful information:
Teacher Email:
Do you know all of your child’s teacher’s email addresses? Here is the teacher email contact web page on the CBHS website:
http://www.cbhs.brevard.k12.fl.us/faculty.phpLunch Money Alternative:
I have been using
https://www.mylunchmoney.com/ to manage my son’s lunch money. They provide a weekly summary report of what he is ordering from the cafeteria. I prefer not dealing with cash for his lunch each day, writing checks or worrying that his school lunch account is going to run out without notice. This online program allows you to charge money into a lunch account.
Here is a quote from the Lunch Money website explaining their function:
“Since 2002,
http://www.mylunchmoney.com/ has benefited parents and districts nationwide. Our mission is to provide a quality service to all our customers and we are proud to announce the addition of new and exciting features such as viewing student purchases and spending history, low balance email notifications, the ability to set daily/weekly spending limits for your child and the capability to set your child up for meals only or a-la-carte. At School-Link Technologies we want to make life easier for parents who don’t want to worry about lunch money. We are deeply committed to making your experience with
http://www.mylunchmoney.com/ a pleasant one.”
“Thanks for the info, and for a fabulous program!!!! You took the stress out of school lunches.”-- Yamel L., Seminole County, FL
This Week’s Events and Volunteer Needs:
Band Volunteers Needed This Week! The most “demanding” week yet!Please Volunteer, we need you! We need parent help and support for all events. We are also looking for new volunteers. By joining us you will meet and work with new friends who all share a common bond – we want to insure the best band program possible for our children! Please email
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 to volunteer for any events listed below:
Girls Volleyball vs Merritt Island
5 - 8 pm – shifts available. Email
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2477 if you can help.
Girls and Boys Basketball vs Johnson Middle school
5-8 pm – shifts available. Email
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
TUE Oct 9, 2007 – Band Board Meeting – 7 pm – Band Room
Boys and Girls Basketball vs Central Middle School5-8 pm – shifts available.
THU Oct 11, 2007 – Band Parent Meeting (informal) – 7 pm – Band Room (unless otherwise directed). Opportunity for parents to meet band board members, get band info and ask questions.
FRI Oct 12, 2007 - AWAY GAME HELP NEEDED -- Going to Cocoa High School
Need BUS CHAPERONES, PIT & PROP help. Also, need Truck Driver and trailer/driver to pull Golf Cart. Email
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
SAT Oct 13, 2007 AWAY COMPETITION HELP NEEDED -- Crown Jewel Marching Festival - Vero Beach
Need BUS CHAPERONES, PIT & PROP help. Also, Need Truck Driver and trailer/driver to pull Golf Cart. Email
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Chik Fila snacks will be offered by the Band Boosters to the Marching Band/Guard and Cheerleaders at our away game at Cocoa High this Friday.
Please email your order
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or send in written order by Wednesday. Please make sure I know you are ordering before noon Thursday so we can include it in our group order to Chick Fila on Thursday.
Send your payment to Mr. Brooker by check payable to “CBHS Band Boosters” or cash in a sealed envelope with student’s name and amount enclosed. Please send payment by Thursday (but no later than Friday).
We have 2 choices. These will be served after our half –time show.
Snack Plan #1 $5.00 – Meal - Chik Fila Sandwich, Chips, Drink (soda or bottled water). Additional sandwich is $3.00. Example: Meal plus extra sandwich is $8.00.
Snack Plan #2 $2.00 - Chips and Drink (soda or bottled water)
Email Chik Fila orders to
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com .
As always, please make sure your child is fed dinner prior to leaving for the game and has a full jug of water. Water refills will be available during the 4th quarter of the game.
http://charmsmusic.com/.Charms is our Band data management program with great features. You can check your student’s account, your families’ contact information and Mr. Brooker’s Band Calendar. Other features are being added all the time.
· Charms can be accessed by going to Mr. Brooker’s Band Website at
http://cocoabeachband.com/ and clicking on the “Charms” Link or you can go directly to the Charms website by clicking here:
http://charmsmusic.com/.Our access code is “beachband”. Then enter your child’s school ID# (this can be found on student Report Card).
· Please let me or Mr. Brooker know if you have any questions about using Charms. My email is
ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com . Mr. Brooker’s email is
Have a nice Week!
Claudia Davis
Band Booster Parent Volunteer