CBHS Band Parent News Week of Sept 17
By Claudia Davis, Band Booster Volunteer
Helpful Information:
Do you receive MeMail? The first year that my son attended CBHS Jr/Sr High School, I wondered why we never received any announcements from the school. I called the school to inquire and I was introduced to “MeMail”. This is school news and information which is emailed to all list subscribers every couple of weeks or so by email.
I recommend that every Cocoa Beach Jr Sr HS family receives MeMail. To sign up, you will need to provide your email address and your name plus your child’s name. Example: Davis, Claudia (Kevin Morris)
Here is where you sign up: http://www.cbhs.brevard.k12.fl.us/LMC/subscribememail.html
Last Week’s Band Booster Events:Middle School Dance:
What a fun time everyone had! The Wind Ensemble Band students served sodas, food and entertained the crowd with music. The Middle School students snacked, socialized and danced! The dance was a success and we have already started to think about next year!
Thank you for all the wonderful drink and snack donations and to the parents that came out and helped from both Orchestra and Band!
Thank you Derek Bernard http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/derekslam/index.html
for providing the sound system and to Richard Jones (parent) for providing many of the songs played.
Check out Middle School Dance photos that I took by clicking on the “Band Photos” link at http://www.cocoabeachbandboosters.com/
Concession – Varsity Football, Friday Sept. 14
What a night! Thanks to all parents who came out and helped the Concession generate over $1,900.00 in sales! We had a lot of new helpers which is great! This includes 2 parents who are not Band parents but were earning MYP volunteer hours. All parents are welcome to help out, we need you!
Thank you to all the students that helped in the Inside Concession on Saturday. Also, thank you to Yvonne Campbell who volunteered and donated the delicious Continental breakfast that was served to visiting Band Directors. Yvonne has volunteered for many years with CBHS Band. She is our past Band Boosters President and former Treasurer. When Yvonne is not updating Charms and helping Mr. Brooker with his paperwork, she works as a Broker for King Rentals, Inc. http://kingrentals.com/.
This Week’s Volunteer Needs:
Thursday, September 20 - Inside Concession: Basketball - 5 - 8 pm
Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
Friday, September 21 - Outside Concession & Pit/Prop help: Varsity Football 5 - 10 pm (shifts for Concession available)
Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
Keep an eye on our Band Volunteer Calendar to see who is signing up and to add your name!
Band Booster Website: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/
Have a great week!
Claudia Davis
Phone: (321) 783-5900
Mobile: (321) 960-2577
Email: ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com
CBHS Band Volunteer Info: CocoaBeachBandBoosters.com
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