CBHS Band Parent News Week of Sept 9, 2007
by Claudia Davis, Band Booster Parent Volunteer
New Parents: In addition to Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band News, I will try to share helpful school related information that I have learned over the years or that I hear about currently. My son is in 11th grade now and I am “starting” to feel like I know some things going on at CBHS! While this E-Newsletter is written mainly for Band students, Orchestra families have received some of my emails. Thank you to the Orchestra parents who have offered to volunteer!
School Menu:
Are you curious what our children are eating at lunch? Here is a link to the school menu:
Are you curious what our children are eating at lunch? Here is a link to the school menu:
Below announcements are excerpts from the school “MeMail”:
Brevard County Schools is moving in the exciting direction of being able to provide parents and students with access to student grades via the Internet. Parents and students will be given an individual access code that will allow you enter a website called Edline. Once on Edline you will be able to view your student’s grades in each of their classes as well as see any homework, lesson plans, projects or other information that each teacher may choose to post. Since each student will also have an individual account, parents with more than one student will have an account for each of their students.
To obtain an access code, parents must come to the school in person, show a picture identification, and sign a form. We will begin distributing access codes at Open House on September 11, and for your convenience, we will have staff available on Monday, September 17, and Wednesday, September 19, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM . After September 11, you will be able to obtain your access code during regular business hours (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM ).
Please be looking for several flyers to come home to you on Monday, September 10. Your student will be asked to fill out his schedule during the day on Monday to make your Open House visit as easy as possible. When it gets home, discuss where the rooms are located and you'll be moving around the campus like a pro. Also ask to have the form for the Edline parent access codes which will be given to your student at the same time as the schedule form. You will need to present the signed Edline form and your picture ID to receive the access information.
Last Week’s Band Booster News:
Band Event -- Away Game – Eau Gallie Fri Sept 7
We had a great time in spite of the rain and loss of the Football game! The Band looked and sounded great! Check out our photos and a video by clicking on the ”Band Photos” and “Band Videos” links at http://www.cocoabeachbandboosters.com/ Thank you to all the great parents that helped with the Props and the Stadium and show video taping!
We had a great car wash on Saturday September 8. We earned over $700 dollars!
Thank you to adults Dale Vicos, Dale Mosher, Yvonne Campbell, Chuck Brooker, Adrienne Roth and students Chuck, Sophia, Nicky, Sammie, Caroline, Chelsea, Ethan, Antony, Matt, John, Savannah, Annabeth, Austin, Mathew, Holly, Courtney, Lindsey & Kaitlynn!
Also thank you to the Elks and Kiwanis Clubs & Dr. Armstrong (Chiropractor) for providing the car wash location, cleaning supplies, hot dogs and sodas! Check out our car wash photos by clicking on the “Band Photos” link at http://www.cocoabeachbandboosters.com/
Next week’s Band Events and Fundraisers
All week – Sally Foster – click here to find the online Link to purchasing at Sally Foster and give Cocoa Beach students credit! http://www.cocoabeachbandboosters.com/
Mon Sept. 10:
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Viera - Need Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Viera - Need Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Tues Sept. 11:
Student Photos all day (undergraduate)
School Open House – meet your student’s teachers! Open House for 2007-2008 to be held on Tuesday, September 11, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM . We will meet first in the gymnasium for a brief meeting and then dismiss to follow a very abbreviated 7 period schedule so that you can meet all of your student's teachers.
Student Photos all day (undergraduate)
School Open House – meet your student’s teachers! Open House for 2007-2008 to be held on Tuesday, September 11, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM . We will meet first in the gymnasium for a brief meeting and then dismiss to follow a very abbreviated 7 period schedule so that you can meet all of your student's teachers.
Wed Sept. 12:
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Rockledge - Need Inside Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Rockledge - Need Inside Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Band Fundraiser - JV Football VS Central Catholic High School – Need Outside Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Thurs Sept. 13:
Band Fundraiser - JV Football VS Merritt Island High School – Need Outside Concession help 5-8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Band Fundraiser - JV Football VS Merritt Island High School – Need Outside Concession help 5-8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Fri Sept. 14:
Band Fundraiser - Middle School Dance after school 3:30 to 5:30 pm. "Go to" person at the dance is Yvonne Campbell. Please check in with her when you arrive. We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
Band Fundraiser - Middle School Dance after school 3:30 to 5:30 pm. "Go to" person at the dance is Yvonne Campbell. Please check in with her when you arrive. We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
· Need help with ticket sales during lunch time Tuesday through Friday (right outside cafeteria)
· Need help decorating before the dance – please arrive by 2 pm to help decorate .
· Need more Chaperones – please arrive at 3 pm if possible or as soon as you can after.
· Serving platters (plastic) for cookies and chips - need to borrow
Parents, the dance fundraiser depends on Refreshment Donations from each band family to be profitable. We need any of the following items:
· Litre bottles of Soda or Lemonade
· Packages of Cookies
· Large bags of Chips
· Ice – to be brought to the dance – please let me know if you can bring
Please send food and drink donations to Mr. Brooker’s Band room any day this week. Thank you!
Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered so far to Chaperone at the dance:
Mike Johnson, Yvonne Campbell, Ann Jones, Richard Jones and Ed Stanton, JoLee Passerini, and Ana Williamsen. Ana will also be joining me to the work in the Outside Concession after the dance! A special “thank you” to Derek Bernard for lending us a music sound system again this year!
We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!
Varsity Football VS Central Catholic High School – Need Outside Concession help between 5 and 10 pm. We need you the whole time but early and later shifts are available -- Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577.
Sat Sept. 14:
Band Event - All State Auditions at CBHS - Need Hospitality help – Help set up Continental Breakfast for Directors and monitor coffee supply (7 am to 10 am) and/or supervise student volunteers at the inside Concession Stand (9:30 am to 2 pm) Shifts available. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Band Event - All State Auditions at CBHS - Need Hospitality help – Help set up Continental Breakfast for Directors and monitor coffee supply (7 am to 10 am) and/or supervise student volunteers at the inside Concession Stand (9:30 am to 2 pm) Shifts available. Please Volunteer! Email ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com or call 960-2577 if you can help.
Sun Sept. 15:
Band Fundraiser - Golf Tourney at Cocoa Beach Golf Course
We will sell golf balls at one of the holes. Please Volunteer! Email Dale Vicos for details or to volunteer Dale1stSgt@aol.com or call 431-8843 cell.
Band Fundraiser - Golf Tourney at Cocoa Beach Golf Course
We will sell golf balls at one of the holes. Please Volunteer! Email Dale Vicos for details or to volunteer Dale1stSgt@aol.com or call 431-8843 cell.
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