Monday, September 24, 2007

CBHS Band Parent News - Week of Sept 24, 2007

By Claudia Davis, Band Parent Volunteer / Band Booster Treasurer

Hello Band Parents,

Last Week’s Events
Thanks to all who helped at the The Gateway Football game! The Concession sold over $800 food and drinks!
Florida Today newspaper took these photos of the Concession and Grilling volunteers.
Inside: Nancy Marquardt, Sarah Henderson, Will Henderson, Jacquie Scislaw - Alarie, Leanne Palmer, Claudia Davis, Jennifer Crider, Marly Cohen.
Grillers: Val Crider, Brian Palmer, Ed Stanton, Patrick McCracken, Dave Guseman.
Helpful information - (extracted from MeMail)
From Dave Kendall, Assistant Principal, Facilities
Due to the construction staging area that will be put into action this weekend, the bus loop will change from the east side of the building to the west side of the campus between the relocate able portables and Buildings 14 and 15. All parent pickup and drop-off will move to the east side. The entire front of the school will be fenced off and all staff and visitor parking will move to the east side of the building. Our 21 busses will drive to the westernmost entrance to the student parking lot, enter and proceed down the last lane to the stadium fence, turn left and proceed to the lane between the 10 portables and building 14 and 15. They will line up to drop off in the morning and line up first come first serve single file in the afternoon.
This change will begin Monday morning Sept. 24th.
School pictures are September 25. Students will have their pictures take during their English class. Look for the flyers your students should be bringing home. In order to make this process easier for students and parents, Dean Stewart Photography offers an online pay service so you can pre-pay for your students pictures. The website for online pre-payment is . If paying by check, please make sure the checks are made out to Dean Stewart NOT Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School.
Interim grades will be given to students during seventh period on September 26. This report will show your students grades-to-date for the first nine-weeks. Now is the time to check with teachers to see what the difficulties might be and to plan to help students be successful.
Parent/Teacher Conferences have been scheduled for Tuesday, October 2 from 6:30-8:30 PM. Be sure to make an appointment by calling the front office at 783-1776 x 1000.
You are invited to attend the next meeting of the “Projection Graduation” Committee which will be held on Wednesday, September 26th at 6:30 pm in the Media Center at Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School.We will be organizing our efforts to raise money to give the Class of 2008 a fantastic fun, safe, alcohol and drug-free overnight party with games, music, food, inflatables, pool, weight room, casino and prizes from 10pm-5am at the HealthPlex on Merritt Island.
New to The Beach are Sebastian Piccione who will teach middle school English and Amanda Nugent, a 2003 CBHS graduate, who will teach middle school science, and Bob Stedman who is taking over the “TBA” spot teaching creative writing and high school English.
Yearbooks will be on sale for $70.00 until October 1. October 2 the price goes up to $80.00. The price of the yearbook will be $100.00 after Winter Break. Checks can be made out to Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School. Students can bring checks to Mrs. O’Hare in portable M.
Senior baby pictures for the yearbook are due to Mrs. O’Hare by October 12, 2007. Please include your name on the back of the picture. Senior yearbook dedications are due on October 31, 2007. See Mrs. O’Hare for information.
The School Advisory Council would like to say 'Congratulations!' and 'Welcome!' to our newest Parent Representatives: Adrienne Roth and Teresa Kinney.
Science Research advisor Veronica Duys tells us that Collin McAliley has been named a finalist for the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge. He is the only student who competed last year that has been selected as a finalist again this year. He will be competing in the Challenge in October during an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC.
Check out these websites to see everything that is happening at the Country's Best High School (CBHS!).Activities and Clubs:

Band Volunteers Needed This Week!
Please Volunteer, we need you! We need parent help and support for all events. We are also looking for new volunteers. By joining us you will meet and work with new friends who all share a common bond – we want to insure the best band program possible for our children! Please email to volunteer for any events listed below:
Girls Freshman Volleyball VS. Space Coast Jr/ Sr. High
5-8 pm – shifts available. Email if you can help.

Boys and Girls Freshman Volleyball VS. DeLaura MS
5-8 pm – shifts available. Email if you can help.

FRI 28, 2007AWAY GAME HELP NEEDED – Going to Space Coast High School
Need BUS CHAPERONES, PIT & PROPS. Also, Need Truck Driver Email if you can help.
SAT October 6, 2007 Marching Festival – Merritt Island
Chik Fila snacks will be offered to Marching Band/Guard and Cheerleaders at our away game this Friday by the Band Boosters.
ORDERS: Please email your order or send in written order /payment by Wednesday. Please make sure I know you are ordering by noon Thursday so we can turn in our group order to Chick Fila.
PAYMENTS: Send your payment to Mr. Brooker by check payable to “CBHS Band Boosters” or cash in a sealed envelope with student’s name and amount enclosed. Please send payments by Thursday (but no later than Friday).
We have 2 snack choices. These will be served after our half –time show.
SnackPlan #1 $ 5.00 – Meal - Chik Filet Sandwich, Chips, Drink (soda or bottled water).Additional sandwich is $3.00. Example: Meal plus extra sandwich is $8.00.
Snack Plan #2 $ 2.00 - Chips and Drink (soda or bottled water)
Email Chik Filet orders to .
As always, please make sure your child is fed dinner prior to leaving for the game and has a full jug of water. Water refills will be available during the 4th quarter of the game.
Cocoa Beach Band Boosters website -
Band Booster Blog (Band News and photos) –
Mr. Brooker’s Website
Please watch our Band Booster Volunteer Calendar for upcoming events and Volunteer needs and let us know when you can help. We need you! To volunteer or if you have any questions, you can contact me directly by email or phone 960-2577.
Charms is our Band data management program with great features. You can check your student’s account, your families’ contact information and Mr. Brooker’s Band Calendar. Other features are being added all the time. Charms can be accessed by going to Mr. Brooker’s Band Website at and clicking on the “Charms” Link or you can go directly to the Charms website by clicking here:
Our access code is “beachband”. Then enter your child’s school ID# (this can be found on student Report Card). Please let me or Mr. Brooker know if you have any questions about using Charms. My email is . Mr. Brooker’s email is
Would you like to show your Band Spirit by wearing our Band Shirt this year? As parents, you can wear the Band T-shirts or the red Polos. Some of us have both! Would you like your child to have additional band T-shirts or replacement items?To order, please send Mr. Brooker:
1. Your completed Spirit Wear Order Form and
2. Check payable to “CBHS Band Boosters”.If sending cash, please seal in envelope and indicate outside name, amount enclosed and what what the cash is for outside of the envelope.
If you wish to pay by credit card, you can pay online with Paypal by going our Charms website through your child’s account. Make sure you detail in your PayPal order what you are paying for. Also send us the completed Spirit Wear order form to Mr. Brooker. Indicate on the order form that you “paid on Charms”.You can order Band T-shirts, Polo shirts, hats, and Day Packs by completing the Spirit Wear Order Form located here:
Have a nice Week!
Claudia Davis
Band Booster Parent Volunteer

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

CBHS Band Parent News Week of Sept 17

By Claudia Davis, Band Booster Volunteer

Helpful Information:

Do you receive MeMail? The first year that my son attended CBHS Jr/Sr High School, I wondered why we never received any announcements from the school. I called the school to inquire and I was introduced to “MeMail”. This is school news and information which is emailed to all list subscribers every couple of weeks or so by email.
I recommend that every Cocoa Beach Jr Sr HS family receives MeMail. To sign up, you will need to provide your email address and your name plus your child’s name. Example: Davis, Claudia (Kevin Morris)
Here is where you sign up:

Last Week’s Band Booster Events:

Middle School Dance:
What a fun time everyone had! The Wind Ensemble Band students served sodas, food and entertained the crowd with music. The Middle School students snacked, socialized and danced! The dance was a success and we have already started to think about next year!

Thank you for all the wonderful drink and snack donations and to the parents that came out and helped from both Orchestra and Band!
Thank you Derek Bernard
for providing the sound system and to Richard Jones (parent) for providing many of the songs played.
Check out Middle School Dance photos that I took by clicking on the “Band Photos” link at

Concession – Varsity Football, Friday Sept. 14
What a night! Thanks to all parents who came out and helped the Concession generate over $1,900.00 in sales! We had a lot of new helpers which is great! This includes 2 parents who are not Band parents but were earning MYP volunteer hours. All parents are welcome to help out, we need you!

New Band Golf Cart!

Thank you to Yvonne Campbell who phoned charitable organizations to make the request and thank you to Elks, Kiwannis and all the wonderful people that helped raise money to donate a Golf Cart to the CBHS Band!

All State – Saturday Sept. 15
Thank you to all the students that helped in the Inside Concession on Saturday. Also, thank you to Yvonne Campbell who volunteered and donated the delicious Continental breakfast that was served to visiting Band Directors. Yvonne has volunteered for many years with CBHS Band. She is our past Band Boosters President and former Treasurer. When Yvonne is not updating Charms and helping Mr. Brooker with his paperwork, she works as a Broker for King Rentals, Inc.

This Week’s Volunteer Needs:

Thursday, September 20 - Inside Concession: Basketball - 5 - 8 pm
Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!

Friday, September 21 - Outside Concession & Pit/Prop help: Varsity Football 5 - 10 pm (shifts for Concession available)
Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!

Keep an eye on our Band Volunteer Calendar to see who is signing up and to add your name!

Band Booster Website:

Have a great week!


Claudia Davis
Phone: (321) 783-5900
Mobile: (321) 960-2577
CBHS Band Volunteer Info:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

CBHS Band Parent News Week of Sept 9, 2007

by Claudia Davis, Band Booster Parent Volunteer

New Parents: In addition to Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School Band News, I will try to share helpful school related information that I have learned over the years or that I hear about currently. My son is in 11th grade now and I am “starting” to feel like I know some things going on at CBHS! While this E-Newsletter is written mainly for Band students, Orchestra families have received some of my emails. Thank you to the Orchestra parents who have offered to volunteer!

School Menu:
Are you curious what our children are eating at lunch? Here is a link to the school menu:

Below announcements are excerpts from the school “MeMail”:


Brevard County Schools is moving in the exciting direction of being able to provide parents and students with access to student grades via the Internet. Parents and students will be given an individual access code that will allow you enter a website called Edline. Once on Edline you will be able to view your student’s grades in each of their classes as well as see any homework, lesson plans, projects or other information that each teacher may choose to post. Since each student will also have an individual account, parents with more than one student will have an account for each of their students.

To obtain an access code, parents must come to the school in person, show a picture identification, and sign a form. We will begin distributing access codes at Open House on September 11, and for your convenience, we will have staff available on Monday, September 17, and Wednesday, September 19, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM . After September 11, you will be able to obtain your access code during regular business hours (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM ).

Please be looking for several flyers to come home to you on Monday, September 10. Your student will be asked to fill out his schedule during the day on Monday to make your Open House visit as easy as possible. When it gets home, discuss where the rooms are located and you'll be moving around the campus like a pro. Also ask to have the form for the Edline parent access codes which will be given to your student at the same time as the schedule form. You will need to present the signed Edline form and your picture ID to receive the access information.

Last Week’s Band Booster News:
Band Event -- Away Game – Eau Gallie Fri Sept 7
We had a great time in spite of the rain and loss of the Football game! The Band looked and sounded great! Check out our photos and a video by clicking on the ”Band Photos” and “Band Videos” links at Thank you to all the great parents that helped with the Props and the Stadium and show video taping!

Band Fundraiser Car Wash was a Great Success!
We had a great car wash on Saturday September 8. We earned over $700 dollars!

Thank you to adults Dale Vicos, Dale Mosher, Yvonne Campbell, Chuck Brooker, Adrienne Roth and students Chuck, Sophia, Nicky, Sammie, Caroline, Chelsea, Ethan, Antony, Matt, John, Savannah, Annabeth, Austin, Mathew, Holly, Courtney, Lindsey & Kaitlynn!

Also thank you to the Elks and Kiwanis Clubs & Dr. Armstrong (Chiropractor) for providing the car wash location, cleaning supplies, hot dogs and sodas! Check out our car wash photos by clicking on the “Band Photos” link at

Next week’s Band Events and Fundraisers

All week – Sally Foster – click here to find the online Link to purchasing at Sally Foster and give Cocoa Beach students credit!

Mon Sept. 10:
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Viera - Need Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help.

Tues Sept. 11:
Student Photos all day (undergraduate)
School Open House – meet your student’s teachers!
Open House for 2007-2008 to be held on Tuesday, September 11, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM . We will meet first in the gymnasium for a brief meeting and then dismiss to follow a very abbreviated 7 period schedule so that you can meet all of your student's teachers.

Wed Sept. 12:
Band Fundraiser - Volleyball VS Rockledge - Need Inside Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help.

Band Fundraiser - JV Football VS Central Catholic High School – Need Outside Concession help between 5 and 8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help.

Thurs Sept. 13:
Band Fundraiser - JV Football VS Merritt Island High School – Need Outside Concession help 5-8 pm. Early and later shifts available -- Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help.

Fri Sept. 14:
Band Fundraiser - Middle School Dance after school 3:30 to 5:30 pm. "Go to" person at the dance is Yvonne Campbell. Please check in with her when you arrive. We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!

· Need help with ticket sales during lunch time Tuesday through Friday (right outside cafeteria)
· Need help decorating before the dance – please arrive by 2 pm to help decorate .
· Need more Chaperones – please arrive at 3 pm if possible or as soon as you can after.
· Serving platters (plastic) for cookies and chips - need to borrow

Parents, the dance fundraiser depends on Refreshment Donations from each band family to be profitable. We need any of the following items:

· Litre bottles of Soda or Lemonade
· Packages of Cookies
· Large bags of Chips
· Ice – to be brought to the dance – please let me know if you can bring

Please send food and drink donations to Mr. Brooker’s Band room any day this week. Thank you!

Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered so far to Chaperone at the dance:

Mike Johnson, Yvonne Campbell, Ann Jones, Richard Jones and Ed Stanton, JoLee Passerini, and Ana Williamsen. Ana will also be joining me to the work in the Outside Concession after the dance! A special “thank you” to Derek Bernard for lending us a music sound system again this year!

We can use more Dance helpers. Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help. Thank you!

Varsity Football VS Central Catholic High School – Need Outside Concession help between 5 and 10 pm. We need you the whole time but early and later shifts are available -- Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577.

Sat Sept. 14:
Band Event - All State Auditions at CBHS - Need Hospitality help – Help set up Continental Breakfast for Directors and monitor coffee supply (7 am to 10 am) and/or supervise student volunteers at the inside Concession Stand (9:30 am to 2 pm) Shifts available. Please Volunteer! Email or call 960-2577 if you can help.

Sun Sept. 15:
Band Fundraiser - Golf Tourney at Cocoa Beach Golf Course
We will sell golf balls at one of the holes. Please Volunteer! Email Dale Vicos for details or to volunteer or call 431-8843 cell.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

SALLY FOSTER Fundraiser is Here!

Dear Parents,

Our Sally Foster fundraiser is here! Your band/orchestra student at Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School brought home a great catalog yesterday. Browse through to make your selections and share the catalog with family and friends, even co-workers. The music program makes 50% profit on all of the gift wrap, unique gift items, gourmet chocolates and edibles, and kitchen solutions.

We have set a goal, asking each student to please sell at least seven items. When your student sells seven items, his/her name will be entered into a drawing. We will have two drawings, with the prize being $50.00 cash for each one.

In addition, there are prizes your student can earn for different levels of sales. Look at the flyer that came home today with the catalog!

Mr. Brooker has let us know that if we can raise $5000.00 in profits on this fundraiser, he will (willingly) set himself up in a dunk tank!!

Details: Our fundraiser runs from Tuesday, September 4 to Tuesday, September 18. Checks for catalog orders should be made payable to ‘Cocoa Beach High School.’ Anyone who wishes to purchase online may also use a credit card for the purchase. Online purchases will be delivered directly to the individual’s home, making it an easy way for friends and family in other states to help out your student’s music program.

You can click here to go to Sally Foster / Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School website:

Online notes:

1. Go to the Seller’s Section at to sign up for the email program.

2. You’ll need our school’s account number and the email addresses of everyone you’d like to ask to help. Our number is 882532.

3. When family and friends receive the email and click on the link to the Sally Foster online store, our music program earns 50% of their purchase!!

Every time your student sends five emails, he/she becomes eligible for drawings that are held hourly. The prizes are a Nintendo Wii, Apple ipod, and $25 gift cards from Target and Wal-Mart.

(Please note: if someone is ordering chocolates online, their entire order will be held for shipping Nov. 2, 2007.)

Go Beach!!

Any questions?

Please call Brion Quandt 723-5654 or Email

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

CBHS Band Boosters Board Meeting Sept 4, 2007

Cocoa Beach JSHS Band Boosters
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday September 4,2007

Time: 7:00pm Social Location:Band Room
7:30 pm meeting

1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of minutes
4.Officer's Reports
-President - Rick
-Vice President - Adrienne
- " " - Dale V.
- Treasurer - Claudia
- Secretary - Brion Quondt
- Members at Large
-Jacquie Scislaw-Alaire
-Suzanne Estes
-Mike Johonson
-Dale Mosher
-Joe Russell
5. Band Directors Report
6. Committe Reports
- Concession
- Fund Raising
- Dance - Car Wash - Raffle
- Pit Crew
- Props
- Corporate Sponsors
7. Parent Meeting
- Agenda
- Dates
8. Away Game Suggestions.
9.Old/unfinished Business
- Fair Share ( Hours Cost)
10. New Business
11. Announcements
12. Next Meeting
13. Adjournment

Rick Hester President

Monday, September 3, 2007

CBHS Band Parent News week of Sept. 4, 2007

2007 - 2008 Band Show Shirt and Parent Polo Shirt (ladies version)

Weekly Band Parent News - Events and Volunteer Information

By Claudia Davis, Band Parent Volunteer / Band Booster Treasurer

Hello Band Parents,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

In this E-Newsletter:

· First Away Game Report
· This week’s Events
· Looking Ahead – Events
· Chik Filet Orders this week
· Volunteer Calendar
· Current Fundraisers
· Spirit Wear
· Charms
· Band Fees
· Important Links

First Away Game
With the exception of the game delay due to rain, last Friday night went well at our first away football game. Due to limited stadium seating, we were only able to send a smaller “Pep Band." I hear it was a fun time and our Band students (and football players) did a great job! Also, as predicted, the Chik – Filet snack was success! Thank you to the Band parents who helped. Volunteers included Rick Hester, Dale Mosher, the Quandts, Marly Cohen, Dale Vicos, Holly Hicks, and of course Mr. Brooker, who is both our Band Director and a band parent too!

This Week’s Events
We have a very busy band schedule this week. Events and Volunteer needs are listed below. Please Volunteer, we need you! We need parent help and support for all events. We are also looking for new volunteers. By joining us you will meet and work with new friends who all share a common bond – we want to insure the best band program possible for our children! Please email to volunteer for any events listed below:

Tuesday, September 4– Booster Band Board Meeting
7:30 pm- Band Room. All parents are welcome to join us.

Wednesday, September 5 – Inside Concession – Volunteers needed
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (shifts okay – 5:00 pm – 6:30 or 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm).
Sell beverages and food.

Thursday, September 6 – Inside and Outside Concessions – Volunteers needed
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (shifts okay – 5:00 pm – 6:30 or 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm).
Sell beverages and food.

Thursday, September 6 – Beginning Band Parent /Instrument Rental Meeting
6:30 pm in the Cafeteria with Mr. Brooker, Band Director.

Friday, September 7 - Away Football Game - Eau Gallie High. Volunteers needed.
We need Bus Chaperones, Pit/Prop/and Stadium helpers.

Saturday, September 8 – Car Wash – Volunteers Needed.
Look for a separate email from parent volunteer Dale Vicos with details.

Friday, September 14 - Middle School Dance (after School Dance in Cafeteria). Volunteers/ Chaperones needed 3 :00 pm to 6:30 pm. Both dads and moms can help with this! Great "1st volunteer job at CBHS" opportunity if you are new and have not volunteered yet. We need middle school parents to help with the dance. We really need extra volunteers that day because we also have a Football Game that we need help with! To volunteer or if you have questions, Please email or call 960-2577.

Back by Popular Demand – Chik Filet snacks will be offered to Marching Band/Guard and Cheerleaders at our away game this Friday by the Band Boosters.
ORDERS: Please email your order by Wednesday (but no later than noon Thursday Sept. 6) to
PAYMENTS: Send your payment to Mr. Brooker by check payable to “CBHS Band Boosters” or cash in a sealed envelope with student’s name and amount enclosed. Please send payments by Thursday (but no later than Friday).
We have 2 snack choices see below. These will be served after our half –time show.Snack

#1 $5.00 – Meal - Chik Filet Sandwich, Chips, Drink (soda or bottled water).
Additional sandwich is $3.00. Example: Meal plus extra sandwich is $8.00.

#2 $2.00 - Chips and Drink (soda or bottled water)

Email Chik Filet orders to .

As always, please make sure your child is fed dinner prior to leaving for the game and has a full jug of water. Water refills will be available during the 4th quarter of the game.

Please watch our Band Booster Volunteer Calendar for upcoming events and Volunteer needs and let us know when you can help. We need you!
To volunteer or if you have any questions, you can contact me directly by email or phone 960-2577.

Starting this week – “Sally Foster”. In my opinion, Sally Foster offers some of the highest quality, most beautiful wrapping paper available at an affordable price. Other items are available too. Please look for details that will be sent home with each student. Please share this fundraiser with all of your friends, family members and co-workers! This was our most successful fundraiser last year outside of the Concession stand.

Other fundraisers taking place are Car Wash, Middle School Dance, and ongoing - Concessions.
Please see Calendar for dates and to volunteer.

Would you like to show your Band Spirit by wearing our Band Shirt this year? As parents, you can wear the Band T-shirts or the red Polos. Some of us have both! Would you like your child to have additional band T-shirts or replacement items?
To order, please send Mr. Brooker:
1. Your completed Spirit Wear Order Form and
2. Check payable to “CBHS Band Boosters”.
If sending cash, please seal in envelope and indicate outside name, amount enclosed and what what the cash is for outside of the envelope.
If you wish to pay by credit card, you can pay online with Paypal by going our Charms website through your child’s account. Make sure you detail in your PayPal order what you are paying for. Also send us the completed Spirit Wear order form to Mr. Brooker. Indicate on the order form that you “paid on Charms”.

You can order Band T-shirts, Polo shirts, hats, and Day Packs by completing the Spirit Wear Order Form located here:

Charms is our Band data management program with great features. You can check your student’s account, your families’ contact information and Mr. Brooker’s Band Calendar. Other features are being added all the time. Charms can be accessed by going to Mr. Brooker’s Band Website at and clicking on the “Charms” Link or you can go directly to the Charms website by clicking here: Our access code is “beachband”. Then enter your child’s school ID# (this can be found on student Report Card). Please let me or Mr. Brooker know if you have any questions about using Charms. My email is . Mr. Brooker’s email is

Any family that still owes Band Fees: Please send balance owed by check payable to CBHS Band or pay using Pay Pal (through Charms).
Do you need a payment plan? Please contact Mr. Brooker to set up a schedule. You can email Mr. Brooker with your payment plan request at He will be happy to work up a payment schedule with you. Or you can email me -- As your Treasurer, I am happy to help too.

· Cocoa Beach Band Boosters website -
· Band Booster Blog –
· Band Booster Volunteer Calendar -
· School Band Website – Mr. Brooker’s Website
· Charms – Student Band info/access code is “beachband”