Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Playathon Details

Playathon – Friday, February 5 after school till Saturday Morning 7 am
We have had several inquiries about this event and would like to clarify with this e-mail.
The students will come to the bandroom after school where we will have a roster for them to check in. At this point, they will be directed to specific areas where they will practice their Solo Ensemble music in preparation for the Festival which will take place at Satellite High School the following weekend. The Beginning and Concert Band Students will have use of the computers where their accompaniments are located as well as practice time with Ms. Campbell who will actually accompany them at the Festival.
The Wind Ensemble Students will rehearse their large ensembles and receive assistance as needed on their solos. In addition, they will help the younger students with their solos.
Please note the students will be in assigned areas and may not mill about the school as there is a Basketball Game that evening. Students will be expected to ask permission to use the restrooms, etc.
Pot Luck Meal – 6:30 for Parents and Students
Between 5:30 and 6 PM we need 3 parents to come to the school to help prepare for the Pot Luck Meal which will be in the Cafeteria. That volunteer request is on the Charms calendar so please sign up there or e-mail Ms. Campbell at ycampbell1@mac.comif you are able to help. Tables will need to be set out, ice brought from the outside concession stand and food set out as it comes in.
This is what we would like to have happen with the food:
Please e-mail Ms. Campbell at: ycampbell1@mac.comand let her know from which category you will be bringing a dish. (Please bring along any serving pieces necessary as we are limited in that area)
Main Dish
Side Dish or Vegetable
(If you are like Ms. Campbell and you don’t cook you may just stop by Dominoes and bring a pizza – the kids love that and they can snack on it later in the evening as well)

We will provide plates, cups, napkins, ice and plastic wear.

In addition, the following assignments are for the Wind Ensemble Sections. These items will be used for the Meal and also for snacks through the night. Section leaders should follow this up and make sure the students bring in these items by Friday.

Flutes, Clarinets (high and low), Double Reeds - one 2 liter Soda, half gallon tea, punch or water (Section leaders – make sure there is variety)

Trumpets, French Horns and Tubas – Salty, Crunchy-type Snack to share – chips, nuts, etc. (Section leaders – make sure there is variety)

Saxophones, Trombones, Euphonium, Percussion – Sweet Snack to share - cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc. – (Section leaders – make sure there is variety)


At approximately 7:15 PM we will have a general band parent meeting. (20 minutes)

Immediately following the general band parent meeting, we will have a “Washington D.C.” meeting to provide additional information on the trip and answer any questions you may have. (30 minutes)


Following the meetings, we would like to have a mini-recital with performances by students of their Solo Ensemble Music. The students should let Mr. Brooker know by Thursday if they would like to perform so we may prepare for that event. The performance area will be announced at the Dinner-Meeting.


Students may leave with their parents after the meeting or anytime up until 10:00 PM when the school will be “locked down.”

As with any band event, students must check out with Mr. Brooker or an adult designated by him. Mr. Brooker will need to see the parent and any student car-pooling with another band parent should bring a note from their parent giving them permission to leave with that person. Older students who are driving must bring a permission slip from their parent as well. No student may leave with another student without a signed permission slip and a parent phone number for verification.

We need 4 band parents who will chaperone overnight. That volunteer request is listed on Charms where you may sign up or e-mail Ms. Campbell at: ycampbell1@mac.com

We will have several areas set up for the overnight events and those areas will be chaperoned. Events will include:

Movies – Students may bring in DVDs but they may not be rated higher than PG. Mr. Brooker has final approval on what movies may be shown.

Board Games – Students may bring in Board or Card Games (No Gambling)

Video Games – Normally, two or three students bring in gaming systems – Mr. Brooker has final approval on which games are played.

Karaoke – If you have a machine, bring it in!

Quiet Room – Students visit with each other

Sleeping – There will be separate areas for girls and boys when they are ready to sleep. Students should bring blankets, sleeping bags, air mattresses or pillows as they wish.

Pick-Up at 7 AM Saturday Morning

As you know, we have a Car Wash (located at Rum Runners in Cocoa Beach)we need to man by 8 AM Saturday Morning ,so Mr. Brooker and a few other parents will transport any students that need transportation to that event directly. Please send a note to Mr. Brooker indicating that you would like your student to be transported to the car-wash if that is your wish.

All other students should be picked up in the bus loop area at 7 AM on Saturday. Students, don’t forget to check-out.

I realize this message is longer than usual, but we hope this will answer your questions. This is always a fun event as well as being a benefit to the students with their Solo Ensemble Music. We hope to see you all there!

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