Special Invitation!
The Cocoa Beach High School Wind Ensemble will present a Concert of Thanks.
The free concert will be presented on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 in the Cocoa Beach Jr. Sr. High Schools Performing Arts Center at 7:30pm.
The Cocoa Beach band families invite all of those unsung heroes that dedicate their lives to helping others -- as Firefighters and Paramedics, in Hospitals,
in Law Enforcement Agencies, Military Branches and Space Flight , past and present, retired and active, and their families and friends. We want you to come
and receive a concert of thanks from our band and school family. You are appreciated!
The Cocoa Beach Wind Ensemble will play songs from America including Armed Forces Melodies, American Marches, Popular favorites and even a few pop extras
to thrill you. We promise you will feel thanked, appreciated and hopefully re-energized about your dedicated and compassionate careers.
This is a free concert -- no charge - We will have collection bins on site to collect food donations for local food banks to help families in need.
If you are on duty and on call as I know many of you will be- please still allow us to honor you at the concert and leave when you are called -- just bring your
vehicles and we will have special parking for all on call fire trucks, police and ambulances and others for easy departure.
For particular questions about the concert- please email Chuck Brooker at brooker.chuck@brevardschools.org
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