CBHS Band Parent News Aug. 27
Hello Band Families!
This blog post is about:
· Our First Football Event
· New Volunteer Hours Log
· Gold Seal Program
· Band Boosters Volunteer Website
· Volunteer Parent of the Month Program
· Volunteer Calendar
Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped with our first Football game Friday! You are so appreciated. This email is for you plus we have just added a number of Middle School parents to our email distribution, welcome to Cocoa Beach Band Booster News!
Great News, we now have a “Volunteer Hours Log.” I will maintain a record of Band/Guard volunteer hours. I will refer to information from the Volunteer sign-up sheets that you sign, or emails sent to me with your hours. There will be a volunteer sheet in each Concession Stand and in the Band Room. Please sign in and out for any volunteer help that you do. If you do not sign a sheet, please email me your hours ClaudiaCDavis@aol.com.
If you did not give me the info you entered on the new Log, either I saw you working or heard about you by word of mouth! I began the Log with our first inside Concession event (girls volley ball) last Thursday.
Please look over this Log and let me know of ANY changes – Especially if you volunteered and your name is not on the log, or if there are not enough hours posted. Also, please check my math!
Not only will this Log help recognize all of you that work so hard, the hours will also be turned into the school district to help Cocoa Beach Jr/Sr High School earn another “Gold Seal” that CBHS has earned for 10 years now. Some of you also use Band volunteer credit for other programs outside of Band – that’s great too!
Starting with September totals, we will utilize “logged” hours to determine our “Volunteer Parent of the Month” winner, so get your volunteer hours logged!
To see the Log, and also our “Volunteer Calendar” with upcoming events, please visit our Band Booster website: http://cocoabeachbandboosters.com/ and click on “Calendar.”
While you are there, check out our Band Blog, photos, videos and see the Band Board!
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
Claudia Davis
960-2577 cell